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2024 Driver Education Round 1 – The Importance of Driving safely

Name: Amari Richelle Martin
From: San Bernardino , California
Votes: 5

The Importance of Driving safely

Drivers’ education plays a crucial role in equipping all drivers with knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the roads safely. It is not just about learning the rules of the road or how to operate a vehicle; it is about understanding the responsibility that comes with being behind the wheel. Helping people understand that getting behind a wheel of a vehicle can be a death sentence if they are irresponsible. Driving is a privilege and people understanding the different steps they can take to ensure their safety and everybody else’s safety around them is crucial to their survival. Drivers’ education is important because it is a comprehensive curriculum. Drivers ed teaches defensive driving techniques, hazard recognition, and the consequences of risky behavior like speeding or driving under the influence. Drivers’ education is extremely important because it shows individuals that necessary steps, they need to take to prevent accidents and reduce fatalities. In essence, drivers’ education contributes to safer roadways by fostering a generation of more aware and competent drivers. It is an investment in public safety that has a direct impact on reducing the number of deaths and injuries by traffic accidents.

Driving is a privilege and people understanding that it can be taken from them at any moment when they drive irresponsibly is important because you can literally end someone’s life. To reduce driving related deaths, some steps we can take as a nation that will make a huge difference can include enhanced driver’s education, stricter laws and enforcement, better road design, vehicle safety standards, public awareness campaigns, and regular vehicle maintenance. Taking these steps can significantly decrease the number of fatalities on the road. It is about creating a culture of safety that permeates every aspect of driving.

Driving is a part of everybodies everyday life rather you are going on a road trip, going to get your favorite acai bowl, or just driving to work cars are essential in the 21st century. Cars are something people need because having something to help them get to and from work allows them to make a living and support their families. Even though cars are essential it doesn’t mean that they aren’t scary. Driving safe is only part of the solution, making sure others driving around you are driving responsibility as well is just as important. It can be nerve racking if you witness a friend or family member driving irresponsibly. When you are in the passenger seat you are literally putting your life in the driver’s hands. As a passenger a step I take when I allow other people to drive me is tell them that I am literally trusting them with my life and if they do not feel comfortable driving me then do not because I have big dreams and I do not want to die at the hands of other due to reckless driving. Driving can lead to serious bodily harm and death and my cousin had a near death experience that I believe needs to be told. I have never been in an extremely bad car accident, so I am not speaking from experience, but reckless driving almost ended my cousin’s life at twenty-one years old. My cousin was the only person in the car who survived this incident and her ex-fiancé life ended at the age of twenty-two, which is very sad because he had big dreams and he left behind his infant daughter. It is unsettling to know how close my cousin was to death by the hands of her ex-fiancé. My family and I live in California and Las Vegas Nevada is about a three-hour drive from us. My cousin and her ex-fiancé were going to a family event in Vegas. Since the drive was too far for my cousin, she and her ex-fiancé decided that he would drive the whole distance. My cousin felt safe letting her ex-fiancé drive. My cousin told me her ex-fiancé hated seat belts and she remembered begging him to put one on before they left but he refused. My cousin also explained to me that her ex-fiancé was into car racing on open roads around civilians and how it made her feel uncomfortable and unsafe. She stated that when they were about halfway to Vegas her ex-fiancé started car racing with someone and he lost control of the vehicle. She remembers seeing his body fly out of the windshield, and then her feeling immense pain before she passed out. Car racing in public is dangerous because it poses a significant risk to both participants and innocent bystanders. My cousin remembers feeling unsafe and begging him to slow the vehicle down, but he refused, and she told me she tried to ease her mind by trying to go to sleep and then the unthinkable happened. Her ex-fiancé life was cut short. My cousin was badly injured and airlifted to the hospital where she stayed for two weeks but she is doing just fine now. I share this story to encourage others to remind people of the fragility of life and the importance of vigilance when driving.

To be a better and safer driver, it is essential that you follow traffic laws, like obeying speed limits and signals, and to stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Taking a defensive driving class can further improve your skills in anticipating and avoiding potential hazards on the road. Leading by example and actively discouraging distracted driving, such as texting or eating behind the wheel, can influence others to do the same. Additionally getting involved in community efforts to improve road safety and infrastructure can make a big difference not just for you, but all drivers sharing the road.