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Driver Education Round 1 – My Driving Ideas

Name: Patrick
Votes: 0

My Driving Ideas

Whoa! Slow down and read this right here! Your life might NOT pass by unless you follow my driving suggestions. Yes, this is technically a teenager writing this essay. Yes, this teenager learned how to drive via zoom because of the coronavirus pandemic. Scary thought- I know. However, the United States needs to reduce the death rates because of driving accidents. I am here sharing my thoughts on driving in order to save lives.

There will be an enormous quantity of drivers like me on the road that learned how to drive via zoom. I cannot even fathom the amount of driving accidents that are in our foreseeable future. This lack of education is not worth the untimely death of a human being. Therefore, here is an almost eighteen year old’s ideas on safe driving.

Driver’s education needs not just be a course, but a way of life in order to save lives. Just like computers and iphones need updates, so does our driver’s education. Most professions need recertification, such as teachers, doctors, accountants, etc. The drivers in the United States should be required to have updates as well.
One idea would be for driver’s license updates to be attached to the actual license to drive. Vision screens until you are elderly are not sufficient. Actual courses need to be developed. Today there are vaccination cards. We need driver’s education cards as well that share our driving education.
No one can even see where one learned how to drive. Did a driver learn via their grandparent? Did a driver learn on a backroad after school? Did the driver learn through an accredited driving school? There should be some shared knowledge about when and where an individual learned how to drive. This is important because we have so many different diverse drivers in America. Just passing the driver’s test is not sufficient. One needs higher driving education throughout the course of one’s life. Paying the department of motor vehicles for their license update in one’s state does not guarantee anyone’s safety. Let’s provide higher driving education courses for all drivers in the United States of America.

Another step to prevent more deaths could be with our taxes and/or car insurance. If drivers take more courses on safe driving, possible tax breaks might be an idea to enhance this concept. Each course passed with a 80% or higher could be a tax break of one thousand dollars. Another idea would be for other incentives, such as Amazon or Walmart cards for the passed driving educational courses. Simply winning works and money talks!

Simple steps like credits onto your driver’s license for education on safe driving helps make a better, more insightful driver. Even providing stimulator driving opportunities in kiosks at malls, giving drivers a way to practice driving without being behind a steering wheel can aid drivers. Having computer chips included in all teen drivers’ cars for driving data is a key to keep students in check while behind the wheel of a car.

Additional steps to improve driving need to have a financial impact. If someone can win free money, college scholarships, or even free houses, there will be people to step up to this opportunity. Providing additional educational opportunities for teenage and adult drivers and attaching this opportunity with financial rewards will inspire others to take advantage of this opportunity. Please consider these ideas to help reduce driving deaths in the United States of America.

Driver’s education is an important issue for me. The thought of being on the road with other drivers that are not prepared gives me anxiety. This definitely hits home.

A few years ago, my cousin was in a serious car accident. She was the passenger of a vehicle, but suffered the most damage of all. My cousin Gabby was in a coma for six weeks. She had severe head trauma from the car accident. It was her side of the car that hit a tree. Being in the front passenger seat, she received the brunt of the damage. Miraculously, Gabby was finally able to awake from her coma. She lost her memory. She had to relearn everything, from talking to walking to anything academic. She spent months in rehabilitation to return to normalcy. Her whole senior year was spent working on her rehabilitation. This car accident forced her to reexamine her life. Her athletic career ended as she was the team captain of her soccer team among many other things. Luckily by the grace of God she was able to survive. This accident was caused when her friend’s driving in the nighttime on a dark road. My cousin Gabby is simply lucky to be alive.

Let’s move this country in the right direction with continuing driver’s education. Let’s have our government make it worth it too with tax and insurance breaks.