Name: Lauren
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Operation Independence
My parents are career educators, and they believe in the POWER of education. They believe with every new adventure comes another occasion to learn something new and create many opportunities for others to engage in. My entire life, my parents launched Operation Independence adventures that helped me to grow and exposed me to life changing experiences.
When I was in elementary one of the independent operation activities entailed selecting my own clothes to wear to school from head to toe. In junior high I was charged with shopping with a grocery list, coupons, and a debit card in hand without the help of my parents. While in high school I was charged with shopping for my own school clothes on a budget, opening a bank account, saving money, donating to the community, and tithing to the church. My entire life has been one intentional lesson after the other to help me be a responsible involved productive citizen.
Learning to drive fell under the same umbrella that education is the ticket to broaden my horizons. When I was fifteen, I began to investigate how to acquire my driving permit. I employed all the skills I have learned over the years from my parents. I set out to be a responsible driver and acquire my driver license.
During my research, I learned the importance for teens to take driver education because it teaches young drivers important tips and tools to be safe drivers. I decided to take an online driver education class to kickstart my education to acquire my driving permit. Instead of going to a local driving school, I decided to solicit the help of the best educator I know, my father. After downloading all the required documents and reviewing the expectations of documenting our journey in achieving driving success we were ready to make it happen together.
My parents worked together to create driving opportunities at different levels of rigor to ensure that I am a part of the solution in decreasing driving related deaths amongst teens. As my father and I put pen to paper to devise a plan to conquer the driving requirements enroute to a driving permit, I signed a parent /child contract that included the following activities and rules:
No texting and driving; always keep your eyes on the road
No loud music while driving; it’s a distraction
No more than one friend in the car at a time
Review driving directions before putting car in drive
If I miss my turn or exit, keep driving, exit, and turn back around when it is safe
Leave home early to arrive at destination without having to rush and speed
If there is a problem, call my parents
Roleplay and open discussion about what to do, if I was in an accident or stopped by law enforcement
After each point of the contract was discussed, I signed along with my parents by my side.
The next two years involved a series of Operation Independent Activities designed by my career educator parents. My father and I spent months on the road driving thousands of miles. I conquered many independent tasks developed to assist me in being a responsible driver and to be a responsible teen.
There have been hundreds of open conversations about my driving. There have been countless hypothetical scenarios debated the past two years at our kitchen table about me becoming an independent driver; countless test to help me achieve just that.
One driving test with my dad, included driving the last 150 miles to Dallas from Houston with my mother in the back seat. The pressure was high because the trip included freeways and my passengers were the folks that I love the most. I was super focused and listen to every instruction from my father who was right there with me every mile. Needless to say, we arrived in Dallas safe and sound with me behind the wheel.
Another test was driving with my first passenger amid a pandemic. The mission entailed:
1. Visit to Target
2. Stop at Starbucks
3. Quick stop to HEB
4. Get back home safe and sound
5. Continue living my best life amid a pandemic
The next test devised was to drive to a Graduation Party with my best friend since first grade in the dark.
The mission entailed:
1. Picking up my best friend from her home
2. Going to the party together
3. Driving in the dark
4. Driving in the rain
5. Dropping my best friend back off at her home
6. Continue living my best life responsibly
Mission accomplished
I ventured out amid a pandemic armed with hand sanitizer and wipes
I went to where we were supposed to go
We were watchful of our surroundings
We returned home safe and sound
Future lessons included driving into the city on the freeway, in the dark while it was raining alone. I made it to my destination and back home safely every time. The lessons continued with running multiple errands for my mother to the next town and so much more.
When it was time for me to take my driving test to acquire my permit, it was accomplished with great confidence because lots of hours had been invested in learning how to drive and conquering driving tasks with varied increasingly rigorous driving challenges. Now, I have been driving for two years and I share with everyone that is learning how to drive the important tips and tools that my parents exposed me to over the years.
We all have a responsibility to keep the roads safe by being responsible safe drivers and putting into action all the lessons taught to me by my parents consistently.
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