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Driver Education Round 1 – The Responsibility of Drivers

Name: Nicole
Votes: 0

The Responsibility of Drivers

As the wheels of the car screech to a halt, I feel the meager breath I had been holding finally escape my lips. My gaze could not seem to leave a particularly interesting ball of lint on my lap. Even so, I began my attempt in calming myself as I released my white-knuckled grip on the seatbelt. This was not the first time I had been fearful for my life while my mother was driving. To say that I had experienced a couple calls while she was driving would be an understatement. This saddened me to no end, as she was not only putting her and my own life in danger, but also those of innocent bystanders that could be caught in the foreseeable accident. It was then that I learned that drivers must ultimately be educated, attentive, and responsible; for they, quite literally, hold the safety of themselves and others in their hands.

Oftentimes I feel that people do not properly value the education that all drivers should receive. Perhaps what leads this teaching to become undermined is the overwhelming number of accidents that still happen, even when drivers are educated. While it is true that experience is arguably the best form of learning when it comes to driving, it does not mean that one should deny reading up on the traffic rules. For instance, I know of a few youths who began managing a vehicle before they had even touched a manual. Even when others had advised them to at least learn the speed limits, they simply shrugged off these suggestions. It is safe to say that they, unfortunately, had crossed the law, albeit unintentionally. While nothing too serious had happened, their unwillingness to learn could have caused the death of an innocent. Frankly, it is such a simple yet painstakingly overlooked thing—educating yourself on the regulations before acting rashly. I truly believe that if people were to merely do so, many terrible accidents that had occurred in the past could have been prevented.

Although obtaining a driver’s education is undeniably important, it alone is sometimes not enough to prevent an accident. Many factors such as sudden noises, bright lights, being lost in thought, and other distractions can result in a crash occurring. Despite the fact that the drivers are not at fault for most of these factors, they should still maintain vigilance and be prepared enough to work around obstacles when it comes to it. While it may appear obvious that one must remain attentive whenever operating a vehicle, this fact is often forgotten during real-life experiences. The more accustomed a person is to driving, the more they seem probable to perform inadvisable acts. Of course, among these acts is using a cellular telephone while driving. From managing applications to taking a call, using a phone while driving is such a common occurrence nowadays that most simply turn a blind eye when it happens. However, this should not be the case, as cellular phones prove to be one of the biggest distractions during one’s voyage. The amount of times I have seen my family members handle their phones while driving is uncountable. Every time they do so, I always take notice of the way their grip on the wheel loosens and their eyes avert from the road. Thankfully, nothing terrible has happened despite this. However, people should generally avoid creating distractions for themselves and others in the road, as removing any disturbances would prevent most accidents from happening in the first place.

Drivers should not only be educated and attentive, but also responsible; for even the smallest actions could have severe consequences on the road. Just as simply forgetting to fully come to a stop before switching gears can damage a vehicle, neglecting to adjust the side mirrors accordingly could result in an accident. I, in particular, had trouble in being responsible while driving; as I frequently forget to shut off the emergency brake, turn on the headlights, and even put on the seatbelt. Thankfully, my problem had a straightforward solution. I had simply noted down in a small sheet of paper all the required factors to check before I started driving. I had then placed that note in an area that I would immediately see the moment I entered the car. While I do realize that not everyone’s quirks could be resolved just as mine was, sometimes merely checking the vehicle could prevent any possible accidents from occurring.

With the amount of deaths that result from irresponsible driving increasing, it is ever important that the fresh generation of drivers are properly informed of traffic hazards. They must learn not only the basic regulations, but also all the procedures that must be performed before the accelerator is even touched. They, as drivers, must be educated, attentive, and responsible as to avoid putting themselves or anyone else in harm’s way.