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Driver Education Round 1 – The Importance of a Driver’s Safety

Name: Julia
Votes: 0

The Importance of a Driver’s Safety

While driving, safety is very important not only for the person driving but also for the people driving around them. It is important for a driver to have prior education/information before driving because with that information the driver will then know what to do in any circumstance that shows up while driving. With that knowledge, a driver could know what to do in a life or death situation. For example, in Driver’s education, the student is taught what to do when hitting a patch of ice and sliding. Without that information, a student wouldn’t know what to do, would possibly overcorrect, and possibly cause an accident. Another example would be if it was raining and the driver started hydroplaning, without the background information given to them while doing driver’s training their safety and those around them would be jeopardized. When hydroplaning the way to correct is to lean off of the gas along with gently turning your wheel in the direction your car is leaning. An inexperienced driver, whether it is a new driver or otherwise might not know what to do and could worsen their situation and possibly cause someone or themselves to get hurt. When a driver has gone through past education and learning about driving they understand what to do or at least have an idea of what to do to avoid a possibly deadly situation, and that background information could help prevent an accident before it even occurs.

Some steps that could be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving could be disabling phones while in the car. Texting while driving is one of the main reasons accidents on the road occurs, if the root of the issue were to be removed then fewer accidents would occur. 1 in 4 car accidents are caused by texting while driving, and if someone is texting while driving their chance of getting into a car accident is six times more likely than driving while intoxicated. Another step that could be taken in order to reduce the number of deaths that are related to driving could be stricter laws regarding speeding. Oftentimes while driving, especially with new drivers, being surrounded by drivers going significantly faster than they are can be very stress-inducing and can even scare the driver causing an accident. Speeding also encourages reckless and irresponsible driving. I believe that some stricter laws would deter speeding and also lower accidents and the number of deaths as a result of driving.

As for my personal experience, I have actually been in a car accident. This past May 2021 I was driving home after picking my younger brother up from school. While turning into my development after less than a 2-mile trip I was rear-ended. After an emergency room visit for both my brother and me along with an X-ray and multiple doctor’s appointments, I am left here today with continuing back issues due to the shock of the car rear-ending mine. This accident has not only made me very aware of my surroundings while driving but also has helped me to keep my friends and family aware of their surroundings as well. Finally, I learned how to problem solve and not make the same mistakes as the man who hit me. The driver who hit me also didn’t have car insurance, so after totaling my car there was another huge to-do list of things for my family to deal with.

Some steps that you can take to be a better driver is to turn off your phone while driving along with checking your mirrors. Doing both of those will not only keep you safe and aware of your surroundings but will also keep you concentrated on those around you and keep them safe. Along with silencing and turning off your phone, you can continue your learning on driving by taking practice permit tests/quizzes. By taking those practice tests you are refreshing the information that you have learned in the past and are giving yourself the background information again to yourself. Driving safety is something that every driver should be aware of and should continue to learn about and get better at. Keeping your eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and checking your mirrors are the 3 most important things that you can do and will help keep yourself and others safe. Being a responsible driver means keeping people safe around you, by doing so the total number of death as a result of driving will ultimately go down.