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Driver Education Round 1 – The War on the Dangers of the Road

Name: Jaden
Votes: 0

The War on the Dangers of the Road

Every day, hundreds of innocent people were dying. Those who survived commonly had intense trauma related to their accident. Such as painful scenario sounds like war, but the sad reality is that it is no war, rather it is the roadway that causes such a horrible scene. Since the year 2000, more people have died from automobile accidents than from the civil war, the bloodiest war in American history which killed 2.1% of the country’s population. 624,000 people that each had dreams, aspirations, and a family. Such an intense amount of death should cause more uproar, but strangely, there is none. Driver’s education is needed to inform new drivers on the dangers of driving, a common act that many people seem to disregard as a danger. 94% of all automobile accidents are caused by human error, which is a statistic that could be reduced with proper education about automobiles and the risk involved in driving (Halsey, 2019).

Throughout history, education has proven to be the biggest factor in improving standards of life, such as technological advancements, improved crop growing, and medicinal progress. Reducing the risk of death while driving is much the same, with education making a visible difference on the outcome. As medicine allowed people to fight off disease they otherwise couldn’t, drivers’ education allows people to begin driving with a much safer result, as those who have taken drivers education are 24% less likely to get into an accident than their counterpart who never went through the course (Reed, 2015). Seatbelts and proper vehicle maintenance are also an important part of staying safe. Seatbelts can reduce the chance of a fatal injury by 45%, which is a lot when life hangs in the balance (NHTSA, 2021). Too many people disregard seatbelts, claiming that the air bags will save them, but what isn’t realized is that air bags can kill a person if they aren’t wearing their seatbelt properly. Only a mix of properly wearing a seatbelt and use of an air bag allows the victim of a crash the best chance of survival. Vehicle maintenance is also very important, as faulty safety mechanisms such as airbags can be the difference between life or death

I am very strict with those who I drive with, as many people my age drive very recklessly, and I do not want to put myself in needless danger. Driving itself is quite a risk, but when the driver is unsafe and careless, the chances of an accident increase immensely. I have seen many of my friends drive with reckless abandon, thinking of nothing beyond what is happening in the moment. They want to be cool, to have the chance to show off to everyone. Such behavior is not only immature, but it’s simply hazardous, to the driver, and anyone they might be riding with. I have personally gotten into an accident, as a result of the weather, and even then, it was terrifying. I was going below the speed limit, and hit a hidden rut in the ice, which sent my car spinning into the ditch. I was lucky enough to be alone in the car, and I walked away without an injury. After that incident, it really opened my eyes to the danger of distracted driving. If I had been on my phone, or messing with the radio, then I could have seriously been hurt, if not killed. Never wanting to ever repeat such an experience, I have become a staunch advocate of eliminating distractions and taking care to be a safe driver.

Eliminating distractions, and understanding the true danger of driving are two of the most effective ways to become a safer driver. When people lose all fear of something, they begin to get comfortable and familiar, which can lead to carelessness. Carelessness due to comfortability can lead to dangerous accidents that otherwise could have been avoided if more caution was used. Driving should not be feared, but it also should not be disregarded as something to be overly carefree about. Eliminating distractions is extremely important for the mission of making driving safer. Texting while driving is one of the biggest problems in modern day, with 38% of teens admitting to texting while driving (Cihak, 2018). Such a statistic is very frightening, as texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an accident than driving while intoxicated (Todd, 2022). Driving is a necessary, everyday thing, but just like any other dangerous activity, we should take care to be safe and cautious while driving. The world needs safety and security, who will do their part to keep the road safe? Put the phone down and drive with attention.


NHTSA. (2021) Seat Belt Safety: Buckle Up America | NHTSA

Halsey, A. (2019, June 21).More Americans have died in car crashes since 2000 than in both World Wars – The Washington Post

Reed, L. (2015, August 15). Study: Driver’s ed significantly reduces teen crashes, tickets.

Cihak, M. (2018, August 20,) Do Teens Admit to Texting and Driving?

Todd, S. (2022 Jan 19) The Frightening Statistics Behind Texting and Driving