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Driver Education Round 1 – On The Road Awareness

Name: Christian
Votes: 0

On The Road Awareness

We all look forward to the day that we get our driver’s license. It’s a milestone in a teen’s life. Although we may think it is right that to have a driver’s license, it is really a privilege that can be taken away at any time.

Each year in the United States, there are more than 38, 00 deaths as a result of auto crashes and more than 4.4 million injuries serious enough that medical attention is required.

Distracted driving is just one of the many causes of those crashes. I’ve witnessed many friends, if not get into accidents, come very close simply because they are talking on the phone, eating, listening to music on earpieces, etc. I ,myself, have had a rather unpleasant and costly experience when I was in a hurry to get out of a parking lot and sideswiped my car on the light pole simply because I did not think before I put my foot on the gas pedal. When behind the wheel, your focus should be on driving and nothing else.

So what can we do to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities? For starters, enroll in a driving course before you start to drive. The valuable information that you learn during this course will carry with you for the rest of your life. Continue to periodically take safe driving courses. Many of these are offered on-line and through your insurance company, and added benefit, most insurance companies will offer a discount rate for drivers that continue their driving safety education.

Every time you get into a car, whether it be you driving or in the passenger seat, there are ways to add to the safety of the ride. A first simple step is the ensure that you are wearing your seatbelt. This may sound like a silly little thing but wearing your seatbelt can potentially save you from being ejected out of the car if you were involved in a roll-over accident. Several other factors can help reduce accidents that start with the car itself. Always make sure that the car you are riding has a mechanically sound. Everything from proper tire pressure to an unobstructed view out the windows is important to safe driving.

When behind the wheel there are certain things that you should never do. Never get behind the wheel if you are impaired by drugs or alcohol. Never be in a hurry to get somewhere…you may not arrive at all. Never make your phone a priority. Phone calls and texts can wait until you get to your destination.

Know your surroundings. This is everything from road conditions to weather to other vehicles. Road conditions can change in a second and being able to see the road ahead of you and anticipating what will happen if you hit that pothole, can save you from not only doing damage to your car but also save you from added harm to yourself and others on the road. Know the kind of weather you are driving in. If it is snowy and icy, reduce your speed and make sure that your windows are clear from snow and ice so you can clearly see what is around you. And please reduce your speed when conditions are not favorable. You will still get to your destination, it just may take a few extra minutes. Be aware of other drivers around you. If you see that a car is swerving all over the road, try to figure out why. Is the driver impaired? Maybe having a seizure? Pull over and report any unfavorable driving to the authorities. You may be saving their life.

Always make sure you are familiar with the rules of the road. Rules of the road vary from state to state so if you will be driving in another state, know what those rules are and follow them always.

In summary, don’t think that just because you have your drivers license and you have taken a safety course or a defensive driving course once that you know everything. Cars and technology are constantly changing. Cars are being equipped with more safety features aimed at reducing crashes and fatalities, but it is up to us to know how to use those safety features correctly. Everyday you get behind the wheel of a car, don’t feel that it is your right to drive. Consider it a privilege that you want day after day. If we all take one extra step to ensure that safety is a priority when driving, we can reduce the number of fatalities and crashes across the country.