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Driver Education Round 1 – The reality of driving

Name: Caitlyn
Votes: 0

The reality of driving

The reality of driving can be frightening, there have been 31,720 deaths due to car wrecks within the past year. That is why it is extremely important to be a precautious driver in every situation there is. But the percentage of deaths can be diminished if you are educated and stay educated about the seriousness of driving. Every day we get in our cars typically in a rush to get from point A to point B never thinking about what would happen if you got in a car wreck on the way there or if this would be your last trip alive and well. Staying up to date and renewing your license are soon as it expires, wearing your seat belt, using indicators, driving the speed limit, and yielding are just a few examples of many on how to be a responsible driver. The rules we have in place for driving are there as a precaution to save you and other drivers on the road from having an accident. There are consequences to breaking these driving rules, if you are pulled over for breaking road safety rules (i.e., running a stop sign or red light) you will be fined and must go to defensive driving for the severity of your ticket. More severe things can happen as well for breaking these rules such as, totaling your car, injuring yourself or others and possibly death. It is very important you follow road safety as it can save your life and reduce death from automobiles. Personally, a year ago I was in an extreme accident. I was driving home from getting groceries going the speed limit when a tan Camry pulled out in front of me, when he was supposed to yield on green turn. I was unable to stop and hit him head on. I don’t remember much after because I was knocked unconscious and was rushed to the hospital for my injuries. I awoke in the hospital with a cast on my arm, a major concussion, and stitches in my face from the impact of the collision and my airbags going off. Without the cushion of my airbags, I wouldn’t have survived the accident. Airbags are also extremely important to make sure they are intact and have no recalls to help prevent injuries. Accidents are not fun and taking precautions to avoid them is very beneficial. Whenever I ride with my cousins more often than not, I feel extremely anxious. They have very bad road rage and its always over the slightest thing like someone pulling out in front of them or turning instead of going straight at a red light. Other peoples actions are theirs and you cannot always control everyone on the road. But road rage is uncalled for even if you are upset in a certain situation, they can’t here you so there is no need for swearing or throwing up hands and I try to remind them of that. Encouraging those around you that you know struggle with driving and road rage can help diminish those angry thoughts and make the roads safer for everyone. To be a safer driver I drive as a defensive driver. Defensive driving is preventing an accident even if it isn’t your fault. For example, if I was stopped at a stop sign first but I saw a car coming down the hill fast to the stop typically I will wait to see if they will actually stop and most of the time, they just fly past the stop sign not even looking to see if anyone is around, and that could have been a bad accident there. You can apply this knowledge to any situation, always be cautious! Texting and driving is also another huge problem across America that causes thousands of accidents per year. By turning on do not disturb on my phone I know I am being a safe, responsible driver and I encourage my friends and family to do the same thing. Texting can wait and your life or others lives around you are far more important than a last text. For those of us who are over 21, it’s a huge milestone to be able to go out and enjoy a drink with friends but this has a downside as well. Drinking and driving is the number one cause of accidents and deaths by automobile. Don’t be a part of that percentage and buy an uber or ask a sober friend for a ride. With all of these precautions in mind I know I am a courteous and safe driver. I apply these to my daily life and encourage those around me to have the same policies in place for a safer road for everyone.