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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Alert and Aware

Name: Trey Scott
From: Sikeston , MO
Votes: 0

Alert and Aware

What is the importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving? What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving? Have you ever had an experience of being in a car accident or have seen your friends or family members driving irresponsibly? What steps can you take to be a better and safer driver as well as help others become safer on the road?

Driver education can be a great way to call attention to situations that many drivers, both young and old, may not consider. I feel fortunate that when I was first learning to drive, my parents talked … A LOT! At the time it did seem a bit excessive and maybe even borderline annoying if I am completely honest but looking back now, I realize they were calling attention to possible incidents that could occur and planting some knowledge there for me to recall later. They taught me to be aware of other drivers on the road and common mistakes they knew of just from several years of driving experience. Although it would be nearly impossible to cover all possible scenarios I can say that I have avoided situations that very possibly could have been an accident simply because of the information I gained from the chatter my parents had going from my passenger seat.

My parents are not professional drivers nor are they trained driving instructors yet I feel their help was a huge benefit to me. It made me a confident driver and I was not nervous to take the road which can be a risk in itself. I do believe driver education could be an effective way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Not every young driver has someone that will take the time to teach them these things so it would be extremely beneficial if a system were in place for teens or even older drivers to take advantage of. The driver education courses would likely take place in an area where the student would be spending the most time on the road so while navigating a round-about may not be an issue to all drivers, if those are in your area it would be an important skill to know. Same with five-lane highways and proper lane changes. Although these are things all drivers need to know, having the course tailored to where a young driver will most likely put in their road miles seems extremely beneficial. I come from a rural area with many county roads which may be narrow or gravel or maybe water stands when it rains due to poor maintenance. Addressing these situations with young drivers could save lives. I do know of peers in my area who have had accidents while navigating rural roads – too fast on unexpected curves, water in the road from farming irrigation, approaching farm equipment as they top a hill. These are all things which occur in my area and should be addressed with anyone learning to drive.

I have been fortunate in the fact that I have not had an accident myself. As I said above, there have been peers at my school who have had accidents and it is a scary situation for everyone involved. My dad was rear ended by a drunk driver on the interstate when I was in elementary school. Fortunately, he was fine but he was alone in the car and it was a hit and run accident. I remember him telling the story about how he was aware of the car behind him coming up on him. He had observed him driving irrationally in his rear view mirror. He wondered if he was just distracted momentarily with a phone or radio or maybe he was eating. All he could really do was watch his own speed and try to get out of the way. Although he was unable to avoid the accident, he was able to navigate in a way to minimize damage and prevent what could have been a terrible situation.

My parents have also always taught me to be an alert passenger, especially when in the front seat. They always equated that to being a co-pilot or a second set of eyes and ears. This summer, we had a scary incident on the way home from vacation. My mom was driving and had been for several hours. She made a comment that she felt like she might pass out. It appeared as if she was trying to pull over but she did not make it before I saw her head drop from the back seat. Her friend in the passenger seat took the wheel and I reached up from behind and lifted my mom’s leg off the gas and helped apply the brake to get us off the road to call 911. That was the most scary incident I have ever experienced. Everyone was safe and my mom is ok but I am thankful that I was alert in the backseat and able to react in order to help get our car safely to the shoulder.

Being aware of your surroundings and avoiding distractions such as cell phones is a huge step in keeping yourself and other drivers safe on the road. It is also important as a passenger to not become a distraction yourself and unless you are resting to trade drivers, remain alert and aware.