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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Safe Driving and how to Encourage it

Name: Alexis Wright
From: Sugar hill, GA
Votes: 0

Safe Driving and how to Encourage it

        Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death for teenagers and novice drivers. There is a reason why taking a driver’s education course is required for a license in many states; the driver’s education course is critical in reducing the number of deaths due to car accidents. The course is filled with information that many new drivers fail to consider when getting on to the road, such as the dangers of emotional instability while driving, paying attention to your car visually and audibly to ensure it is safe to take on the road, and the importance of speed control and following distances especially in adverse weather conditions. 

         Many people fail to take into consideration their emotional state before getting behind the wheel, even being stressed or depressed as well as being angry can lead to a lack of attention on the road and more mental attention somewhere else. The Driver‘s Education course makes sure to point this out, increasing the chances that instead of getting behind the wheel while upset, drivers will take a moment to either calm down or let someone else take control of the car. Many new drivers also fail to consider the state of their car, and just ride right onto the road. By listening to the sounds and paying attention to the visual signs mentioned in the driver’s education course, the chances of a car breaking down in the middle of the road and leading to a devastating accident decrease drastically. Following distances is also another essential topic that is covered. Many people know the common rule to leave two car spaces in between their car and the next, but the three second rule works much better as it applies to faster speeds. It is also important to note that this time increases to six seconds in adverse conditions. Many young drivers don’t realize the negative effects of rain and other adverse conditions on driving and end up driving as they would in normal conditions. By making them more aware, the driver’s education course limits unnecessary accidents.

        Although the course is an excellent resource to minimize deaths in accidents and encourage safe driving, many students do not utilize this resource. Though there is a time minimum required in online courses, students are still able to leave the screen and let it run without reading the content. This could be limited by establishing requirements where students either pass the quiz at the end or have to do the entire lesson along with the minimum time limit all over again. This will hopefully encourage students to actually read the content the first time, instead of retaking the quiz sequentially until they pass. 

         I have been a passenger during an accident, and I have observed irresponsible driving by my family members. Most commonly, when the driver is angry by something entirely unrelated to driving and takes this anger out onto the road by speeding and driving aggressively. These actions are known to increase the likelihood of accidents by either the driver’s own actions, or by angering other drivers with aggressive driving and causing them to act out with reciprocated aggression. In situations like this, it is important to stand your ground as a passenger and refuse to ride in the car until they either calm down or let you take the wheel if you are in a more calm state. To help others and yourself become better and safer drivers, it is first important to educate them and yourself completely on safe driving through a course, and hold yourself accountable in practicing those rules. It is always important to analyze your mental state before you get behind the wheel, and encourage positivity in the driver as a passenger as well. Also make sure to have the radio and all prerequisites ready before getting onto the road to limit distractions, and if you forget to do so beforehand, simply remind yourself that turning it on isn’t worth a potential accident. If you happen to have a passenger on board, you could always ask them to turn on the radio for you, there is no need for you to do it yourself, or, as a passenger, insist that you adjust the radio, and encourage the driver to pay attention to the road kindly yet firmly to make sure you do not anger them but still get the point across. Always remind yourself and others that when you have the urge to take a dangerous action, that it isn’t worth your life or the lives of others.