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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Everyone Can Do Their Part

Name: Ashley Korbonski
From: Dana Point, CA
Votes: 0

Everyone Can Do Their Part

We’re a generation of people who are constantly connected to our favorite apps and social media, and some of us have even become so dependent on these tools that we can’t go without them for long. We feel like we need to be connected in order to feel like we’re not missing out on something important or interesting.

This trend is likely due in part to the fact that many people these days experience isolation and loneliness. Social media provides an outlet. People are experiencing a technology addiction.  

The challenge is the use of technology, such as using a phone, even while driving. If you are a driver, you know all too well how difficult it can be to resist the urge to check your phone while driving. In fact, many people do it often. This is why drivers need to have access to technology that will help them stay safe on the road and prevent distracted driving incidents. There are several apps available today that can help drivers avoid accidents caused by distracted driving while also reducing stress levels behind the wheel. One app is a built-in GPS navigation system so you never have to worry about getting lost again. Another is using Bluetooth to connect phone calls to the car system. 

However, a common driving distraction is realizing an app is not set up prior to driving. Developing a routine before driving can help with many common driving distractions. Just like how we are supposed to check our mirrors, we should also check that our GPS, music, and safety features are ready.

A safety feature that is found on most phones and can be turned on is the Do Not Disturb While Driving option. However, many different apps can help prevent using a phone while driving. Some of the most popular apps include:

  • Drivemode (Android): This app allows you to set up custom notifications for when the driving mode is activated so that you will only receive messages from contacts on your whitelist. It also has an automatic reply feature so that you can send a pre-written response back to people trying to contact you when the driving mode is activated.

  • Moment (iOS): This app tracks how long it takes for users who use it regularly to get distracted by their phones when behind the wheel, as well as how far they typically drive in one sitting before getting distracted by their phones or needing to take another break from driving due to fatigue or boredom caused by lack of activity while behind the wheel.

Supporting the use of anti-texting technology can help reduce the number of accidents, which is especially important since distracted driving has become such an issue. Its tempting to want to keep your phone out and on you at all times, but to drive safely, putting it down is the best solution. According to one study, nearly 1 in every 4 car crashes involves some sort of distraction—and texting while driving accounts for 11 percent of all cell phone-related accidents. A recent survey found that 91% of drivers believe that texting while driving is a problem! People are dying and injuries are being sustained because people aren’t paying attention when they need to be on the road. You can help prevent these tragedies by supporting efforts to discourage people from texting while driving through legislation and education programs like Distraction Awareness Month (DAM).

Technology solutions can also be developed to help prevent distracted driving. Such as, creating a program that could it make it convenient and easy to put away a phone while driving. Add sensors to detect smartphone use and disable texting. It will be a difficult challenge to get people to stop touching their phones, but I believe it is possible through the use of technology.

Also, general looking out for one another is important. We have to normalize speaking up. Make a driver aware of something unsafe or illegal while they are driving. Passengers often notice things about their drivers’ behavior and this information could be just what someone needs to become a better driver. Teen drivers shouldnt hesitate to mention concerns — even if no one else has noticed yet. Those observations could help someone avoid an accident.

Its not just about driving safely — it’s also about driving responsibly. Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. The choice to drive comes with many responsibilities including following traffic laws and driving safely at all times. That means being mindful of the actions and the consequences that may arise from distracted driving. Everyone can do their part.