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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Drivers Education and Reducing Deaths

Name: Isaac Pollard
From: Lindale, TX
Votes: 0

Drivers Education and Reducing Deaths

Driver education is very important in reducing the number of deaths on the road. This is because if you know the rules and follow them, there will be less accidents. Accidents will less likely happen if everyone understands and applies the rules of the road. A large part of driver’s education is talking about not drinking and driving or not driving distracted. Both of those are huge reasons people have accidents and are injured or killed. By not drinking wile driving or being distracted while driving, we can reduce the number of deaths related to driving. Personally, I would never drink and drive, but I can also help by not allowing others to drink and drive. It may make me the uncool friend, but I would rather not be cool then to see someone die from something that could have been prevented. I have seen my parents driving irresponsibly by being on their phones, doing make up, getting on to us kids in the car and it is scary to think about what can happen in just a second of looking away from the road. For some reason they think that since they have been driving a long time they are in more control during these situations, but that is not true. I will remember this as I get older that it only takes a second for an accident to happen and I must be aware all the time.

To become a better and safe driving, I can be less distracted while driving. I have two habits that I need to change to be a safer driver. My most distracted driving habit has got to be listening to loud music while driving and changing the music. Having loud music while driving can keep me from hearing an ambulance, firefighter, police car, or other emergency vehicles. It could also prevent me from hearing someone honking at me trying to warn me about either someone hitting me or myself hitting someone else. These could be very life changing if something bad were to happen while listening to loud music. As I write this, I realize how much more important it is to be safe than have fun while driving. I do not have to completely stop listening to music, but I should lower the volume so I can safely hear all emergency vehicles and horns. I will put a bright colored sticky note next to my radio to remind me to keep the volume lower. I will have a preset sound volume that I will only go up to. This sticky note will serve as a bright reminder to keep the volume at a safe level. Also, I will set my music to auto-shuffle so I will not touch it to change it at all during driving. I know that even in just a second of looking away an accident can happen. For some reason, I forget this and think I can change my music without any consequences. It only takes one time. I will commit to keeping it on auto-shuffle and only changing it when I am stopped. The second most distracting habit has been talking and joking with my friends when driving. I know there have been times where I have looked at them and laughed or talked and either taken my eyes off the road or just more into our conversation than paying attention. I have their life and safety in my hands. I value their life and our friendship more than having a good time and joking around. To change this habit, I will have to talk to my friends and explain that I want to keep having a good time with them so I will be more focused driving. This is not saying I will just be silent but have it under control and be sure that I am focused more on driving than talking to my friends. By sharing this with them before I drive them next time, it will show them value, but it will also help me stay accountable. If they are aware of what I am trying to do they can say something to remind me if I am getting distracted. Also, by sharing it with them, will help them understand that I am just trying to focus more on driving and that it is not anything personal. These are two big areas in which I can be more focused on driving than enjoying my ride in the car. By writing this essay, it has made me more aware of my bad habits and seeing the big picture. I do not want to risk my own life or others just to listen to music.