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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Everyone Should Have Driver Education

Name: Dylan Smith
From: Beavercreek, Ohio
Votes: 0

Everyone Should Have Driver Education

Driver education is crucial for reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. Driver education classes teach students many skills that improve their driving ability. For example, driver education classes teach students how to operate a motor vehicle. Also, driver education classes teach students what everything on a car’s dashboard does or means. Driver education classes can reduce the number of deaths when driving a vehicle because these classes are designed to train students on the importance of driving safely.

The best thing a driver can do to drive as safely as possible is to be a defensive driver. Learning to be a defensive driver is one of the main things that driver education classes teach students. Defensive driving is important because a driver can use it to avoid possible accidents. For example, if a driver notices that another car is coming into their lane, they can slow down so the other vehicle can get in the lane. If the driver did not slow down to allow the other car to get in his lane, the other car might crash into him if the driver did not check his mirrors and blind spots. When a car runs a red light, a defensive driver should wait until the vehicle drives out of the intersection, even if the defensive driver had a green light and nobody was in their way. Driver education classes also teach students how to stop their car from skidding. Stopping your vehicle from skidding is a great skill to know because skidding is very dangerous. When the road is slippery or icy, a driver can lose control of their vehicle if they try to brake or accelerate too quickly. If a driver loses control of their vehicle, they could crash into another car. The vehicle could also crash into buildings, electrical poles, or other objects near the side of the street. When a driver crashes into any of these things, they will most likely cause a lot of damage to them. The driver will have to pay for the damages done to the other vehicle since he was the one who crashed into the other vehicle.

The number one cause of death among teenagers is motor vehicle traffic accidents. Traffic accidents have been the number one cause of death for teenagers for a long time. According to the US Department of Transportation, only 23 of the 50 US states require a driver education course for all drivers under the age of 18. This means over half of the states allow teenagers to obtain a driver’s license without taking a driver’s education course. Teenagers that do not have to take driver education courses are more likely to get in an accident than those who take driver education courses. Teenagers who do not take driver education courses are more likely to get in an accident because they did not learn nearly as many skills as those teens who did take a driver education course. Teenagers probably do not know what everything on their dashboard does if they have not taken any driver education courses. Also, they probably do not know how to be a great defensive driver or how to stop their vehicle from skidding.

In order to reduce the number of deaths related to driving, every state government should require that anyone learning to drive, no matter their age, should have to take driver education courses. Everyone should be required to get 24 hours of classroom instruction and 8 hours of behind-the-wheel training to be eligible to obtain a driver’s license. This way, anyone who wants to get a driver’s license must have completed a driver’s education course so they can be as safe as possible while driving. Everyone should have to receive skid training from their behind-the-wheel instructor so they will know how to handle a skid if it ever happens to them. Another way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to make the consequences of speeding bigger than they are. For example, the government should increase the amount of money owed for speeding tickets. The more a vehicle travels over the speed limit, the more the driver should have to pay for the speeding ticket. Increasing the consequences of speeding would not make everyone follow the speed limit, but it would at least make many people want to go the speed limit. If most people went the speed limit, there would be a huge difference in the number of car crashes that occurred. In order to be a safer driver, I should always be on the lookout for hazards on the road, such as a big rock or even an out-of-control vehicle. I should use defensive driving to avoid a crash with another car that might get too close to mine. I need to be aware of my surroundings so I can drive as safe as possible. All drivers on the road should be aware of their surroundings and use defensive driving to avoid crashes.