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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – In Motion

Name: Anaya Janae Dozier
From: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Votes: 0

In Motion

In motion. At the age of 16 life starts moving a lot faster from the last 15 years of a child’s life. At the age of 15 my oldest sister paid 600 dollars for me and my twin brother to attend our local driving school. My mother couldn’t afford to send us to driving school, but we all knew that with my mom working two jobs me and my brother would need both a car and a license if we wanted to get jobs. I attended driving school with a lot of my classmates from 7pm to 9pm, and really enjoyed being there with my teacher. We had work books, took quizzes, watched movies and had parties some nights. I’m glad I took drivers ed in person instead of online, because I was forced to pay attention to the information I probably would have missed if I was taking class via computer. My drivers ed school took me through every step of getting my license, along with practicing on the road. The only actual reason I’m good at driving is because of my driving instructor Mrs. Helen, who taught me how to turn hand over hand, loosen my grip on the wheel, and always be in control of the car. Drivers Education is the basis of everyone who hits the road in a car, the same values that you learn from day one are what you take with you everyday you drive to school, work, and to meet up with friends in the town. Knowing that you can’t cross solid white lines can prevent many deadly accidents on freeways, along with understanding the difference between the many yellow signs on the side of the road. Drivers ed is the most important part of driving safely on the road, including the test you have to take that many people cheat on to pass, and drive on the road with others. Steps that need to be taken are requiring a two part test before you are permitted to receive your license or permit, the second test needs to be based on scenario questions rather than basic questions on important road signs that are presented in the first test. The importance of having questions with scenarios in the second test is to help people understand what to do when a road is blocked off, or when an accident might occur, along with when construction might be causing traffic. When new drivers begin driving, and new situations like the ones described happen an extreme amount of fear is presented. The second test will have four different answer choices with two of them being right answers and the other two being wrong answers, to account for people that believe scenario questions are opinion based. I also believe that at the age of 18 when “teens” have to get their licenses renewed they should be required to either take another test, or take another class over defensive driving. The point of doing this is to reinforce what the “teens” have already learned, because when people are within the young age of 16 they present signs of immaturity that will hopefully not be present at the age of 18, allowing them to focus more on information that is necessary when driving. I was in my first accident at the age of 16, it was very scary for me. My car was still drivable, but I didn’t drive again until 2 months after the accident because I was so scared. I never thought that I would get into an accident but I did, thankfully my car had little to no damage. I drive very responsibly, and my driving is tracked with a beacon through State Farm. The importance of driving safely has always been seen within my family, I have never seen any of my family members drive unsafely or with any type of distractions. Growing up my mother used to do mind cleansers when we got in the car so she could clear her mind before getting behind the wheel. I do mind cleansers now to clear my mind before driving because driving stressed, in a rush, or with an attitude leads to accidents and most commonly road rage- all of which are unnecessary. Everyone should do mind cleansers before driving, and put their phone on silent. I drive an older car and don’t have any bluetooth but I do believe that driving with your phone on silent is the best thing to do. Driving for others can also prevent many accidents. Being aware of the way other cars are driving is necessary, letting someone driving fast or in a hurry go around you, keeps you from being around a person that is at a higher risk of being in an accident. Live life in motion but don’t move too fast.