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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Safe Driving Is No Joke

Name: Paige Lenahan
From: Hinsdale, NH
Votes: 0

Safe Driving Is No Joke

Guaranteeing one’s safety on the road has become more and more difficult. There are thousands of deaths related to driving every year. Having drivers’ education is key to decreasing the number of deaths on the road. Drivers’ education helps drivers to understand the road and distractions that can occur. Many times, crashes happen due to distractions, misunderstandings or simply not following the laws of the road. These driving classes are beneficial to all drivers. But they are especially helpful to newer drivers. It can teach drivers not only how to drive, but how to ensure that they are doing so safely and legally. Some drivers misunderstand or are not aware of certain laws on the road. Others choose to ignore the laws, which can put others in danger. Having drivers’ education can aid in dealing with those types of drivers. Of course, those drivers are not an exception to the law, there is no reason to ever ignore the laws of the road. It can put every other driver in serious danger. Not taking drivers’ education classes is not an excuse to disobey the laws on the road.

There is no way to absolutely abolish fatal vehicle crashes. However, there are ways to better prevent so many from happening. One way would be to make some type of drivers’ education required. Not necessarily the whole course, but at least some type of class that can ensure each driver understands the laws of the roads. There are plenty of drivers that waited until they were eighteen to get their license just so they could avoid drivers’ education. They treat the tests like school tests. They only need to study enough to pass the test, but due to not actually being taught the information, it is not retained long after the tests. With this being said, before the tests can be taken, no matter what age the applicant is, a class or two should be required to teach the laws of the road. This should prevent a vast number of vehicle crashes. Another way to improve the number of fatal crashes is to become substantially stricter about the laws of the road. This means more licenses being taken away rather than just giving tickets. A warning is not a horrible punishment, but there should be a maximum of three or four warnings. After that number is exceeded, their license should be at risk of being taken. Tickets normally do not teach people anything, they just irritate them that they must pay the fine. Breaking the laws of the road should have greater punishments as they are putting everybody else’s lives in danger.

Personally, I have been a passenger in a car crash. It had happened due to distracted driving. There were four vehicles involved, although it was not too serious, it still could have been prevented. The car in the front of the line had to stop, but the other cars were distracted and did not have enough time or space to stop in time. One of the most common parts of irresponsible driving is distractions, especially cell phone usage. I have seen many friends and family use their phones while driving. They use it to look at texts, Snapchat, changing music or finding directions. These are not reasons to distract oneself from driving as they have all of their passengers’ lives in their hands. Another prominent distraction that I have witnessed is the car screen. I have been in the car with people who connect their phone to the car screen, but then use the screen the same way they would their phone. Another example of irresponsible driving that I have been a passenger for is speeding. Especially when I am with friends, there is speeding that takes place. Of course speeding is dangerous to begin with, but even more when there is traffic around you.

Dangerous driving has become more and more prominent on our roads. With the death rates from vehicle crashes increasing almost every year, it is important that everyone works to prevent dangerous driving. One way I could help is to remind the people that I am in the car with laws if it seems like they are breaking them. You can report vehicles if they are being too reckless on the roads and creating a dangerous driving situation. Finally, I can act correctly on the road, ensuring to follow all laws properly. It can help make the roads even the tiniest bit safer. Being safe on the road can prevent fatal vehicle crashes and decrease the year death rates due to dangerous driving. Dangerous driving is not a joke and needs to be prevented as much as possible to keep everyone safe on the road.