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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Important Steps to Safe Driving

Name: Leah Marie Yong LeBlanc
From: Fitchburg , MA
Votes: 0

Important Steps to Safe Driving

As a teenager you may be thinking I can’t wait to drive. I know I was. Then I was told I had to sit in class Drivers Education and thought this is gonna stink. I left the class thinking otherwise. Driver’s Education is one of the most important things a person can do before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle that can take your life or the lives of others.

If we are not educated on the laws and safety of driving then we are not equipped to be safe out there. There are so many things a drivers needs to know not only about the laws of the road but the distractions a driver can have and how to help reduce the likelihood of an accident on the road. Knowledge is power and if we don’t have to know information about driving safely we are at a disadvantage to being able to help reduce accidents and deaths on the road. Yes, sometimes there are accidents we don’t have control over but the things we do as a driver can help us be safe and responsible drivers.

Not using your phone for social media, texting or calls, not driving while you have been drinking, not driving while tired, not eating or doing other self care things, not listening to music too loudly or paying attention to the friends and or family you have in the car with you all can help reduce the number of accidents which can result in deaths. Bottom line is we need to be aware of the road and other drivers while driving a vehicle and if we are distracted we are not able to completely focus on what we need to be safe on the road.

Knowing the consequences that can occur by distracted driving is also important. This is another thing that Drivers Education can teach drivers. Parents now have to take a class as well when their teenagers are going for their license and I think that is a good idea. Everyone should have to take part in refresher Drivers Education not just before you get your license. These reminders are important for everyone on the road.

I personally have not been in an accident but I have known people in one and it is a traumatic experience. I have however witnessed distracted driving such as texting and speeding. I think everyone has some form of distraction while driving and it’s important to change these habits and understand that driving a vehicle is a big responsibility and we shouldn’t take that lightly.

There are many laws about the problems mentioned above so I am not sure what else can be done to change it. Cell phones could possibly have a lock that goes into effect if moving at a particular speed. Even though this would include passengers in the vehicles phones too, that may be beneficial for everyone to be paying attention while driving in the car. Maybe that would help with the distractions because not everyone will turn on the Do Not Disturb mode or the instant message that is sent that tells people I am driving. Just a thought.

If you are not guilty of at least one of these things you probably are not being honest with yourself. I am guilty of one or more of these things as well. What steps can I take to help break these behaviors or habits and be a safer driver? One thing I can do is to put my phone on Do Not Disturb mode and put it out of my reach if possible. Sometimes we need to use it to navigate to a place but when not needed I think out of sight out of mind is important. If I need to use it I will put the Do Not Disturb mode on. This will send a message to the person trying to reach me that I am driving and can’t be reached. If I need to make a call or send a message or check a post I will safely pull over to do so then continue on my way. As far as music, maybe I can put the sound at a low volume so I can still focus on the road and other drivers. If I have people in my car I can kindly tell them that I need to concentrate so they know upfront to not distract me. I cna make sure I’m going the posted speed. I can also make sure I’m not driving, driving with someone or letting others drive while under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol related accidents are a big problem on the road. I can do my part by making myself and others safe.

All of the things that a phone can do from social media, phone calls, emails, text messages and even the internet consume most of the time for some people. It is truly scary how dependent people are on technology. Technology that has such a hold on people and truly rules their lives. I think cellphones and all it offers is beneficial but can also be detrimental. That’s why I feel they are one of the biggest problems we face on the road today. Hopefully the continued education about the consequences that can occur when distracted will continue to teach people the harsh realities that they need to know about. A phone call, a text message, email or social media post can be returned or read later but a human life lost can not be replaced! Drive Safely!