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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving: It’s Not All About The Need for Speed

Name: Isabella Ho
From: Irvine, CA
Votes: 0

Driving: It’s Not All About The Need for Speed

Oftentimes in media and movies, cars are shown to be all about the speed and thrill seeking whether it be pulling off the biggest heist, or fighting to save the world with nothing but reckless driving and fast cars. This can provide entertainment for many families, allowing them to experience that thrill all while still reclining in a dimly lit room. However, in reality, such actions can prove to be extremely harmful, and driving should be taken with an extra level of seriousness and precaution. Driving has become a vital source of transportation for many Americans living today. With the increasing level of purchased vehicles comes more danger that can be set onto the road. However, measures can be taken to provide the safest experience for all drivers.

One of the most necessary requirements that can reduce the number of deaths related to driving is completing Driver’s Education. In California, a permit written test is required to obtain a driver’s permit. Having this written test encourages people to learn the basic rules and standards being on the road, and can provide that extra foundation even before the actual driving begins. This alone can teach the future drivers the fundamental basics of how to act on the road, and the dangers that may arise when it comes to driving. After obtaining a permit, there are six hours of driving instruction set along with a professional driving instructor. With these extra hours with someone who has more experience on the road, it can provide the driver more insight and precaution on what to look out for. Afterwards, around fifty hours of driving experience, ten hours being at night, is required to be with a guardian who can provide that extra support on the road. While Driver’s Education isn’t required for adults, it proves to be an important and vital skill that any driver should take a part of no matter the age. Mistakes on the road can happen in an instant, and although a driver may think they know all there is to driving, one wrong move from someone else can put them and many others in danger. It’s important to know how to act in these situations, and going through Driver’s Education can provide the tools that are needed to act quickly. Experience comes with knowing the fundamentals, and it can lower the chances of any risky situations that may occur with no warning.

Additionally, vital steps can be taken for any driver no matter how experienced they may be. One of the most important steps is to not use your phone while on the road. Even if it’s to reply to a quick text, one slight second of lag time can cause an accident to occur in an instant. If someone has an important need to be using the phone, in most cases pulling over and finding a safer place to stop would be the safest option versus risking the lives of many others. Though calling can be done at times through speakerphone, even then it should be taken with extreme precaution. Examples such as eating while driving, listening to loud music while driving should be discouraged most of the time, since that can also become a hazard. What all these have in common is the hindrance to one’s concentration. Though some experienced drivers may know the road by heart, others on the road could be inexperienced, and that alone can make the road a more risky environment. It’s always important to have the utmost concentration when it comes to any driving trips.

Another step that can be taken is not driving under the influence. The break of concentration and lacking a clear head can prove to be detrimental, and therefore completely destroy one’s understanding of their surroundings. There are many different ways to reach the destination without needing to drive under the influence. Calling friends that are not under the influence to drive the person can provide a safe transport back home. Ordering a ride service such as Uber can also give another safer outlet. If it comes down to it, even waiting until one is sober and able to think clearly can prove to be much more beneficial and less of a hazard to others on the road. Next, not giving into road rage can make the road much safer. Everyone has to get somewhere, and it’s extremely important to remember that others are sharing the road just the same as you. It’s important to think about others while being on the road. Some people may be tourists that are unfamiliar with the new road, others could be new drivers trying to play safe, and many other circumstances that may be different than yours. Even though you may want to get to your destination fast, there are better ways to get there than road rage. Road rage can lead to accidents just the same, and that itself can become another block from getting you to your destination. Be patient and wary of others on the road, and prepare yourself for any dangers that may occur. Instead of getting angry, try to take time to regain your cool and think about the experience from the view of other drivers around you. In the end, with practice of patience everyone can get to where they need to go in a timely manner. The only needed to fulfill this role is the effort placed in and the patience to consider others.

I’ve never been in an accident in my life, but I have been in many close calls. When driving with my parents before I had a license I had watched them carefully watch the road, keeping attention at all times. In all the almost accidents that could’ve happened, my parents were able to think quickly and drive defensively. With their quick actions, they were able to avoid the mistakes of drivers around them and drive safely away from it. Seeing the many close calls in my life has taught me to become wary and alert on the road, showing the importance of complete concentration, because one wrong move can cause a huge disaster.

Steps that I can take to be a safer driver is to always check my surroundings. At times I find myself only looking at the car in front of me, when in reality it’s important to look at the lanes beside you as well. Cars around me could be attempting to merge into my lane, and I have to be courteous and also alert to their actions. I also have to pay attention to how the speed of the traffic is going. Oftentimes when I’m on the road I need to notice the slowing down of cars, despite not knowing why the cars are slowing down. Sometimes it means that there is a red light ahead, or perhaps someone is changing lanes leading to everyone to slow down a little bit. It’s always important to be a part of the road, and to look out for any obstacles that may come my way. Another step I can take is looking at all my mirrors when changing lanes and backing up. In some cases I sometimes feel like I need to rush to change a lane, but in reality it’s safer to check all mirrors and ensure that it will be a safe process. There was a time when I didn’t check clearly in the mirror behind me and almost hit a car that was coming up from behind. Looking for other cars can be a step toward the right direction to ensure the safest routes. I can also learn to act quickly. At times, I find myself in conflict of what I plan to do on the road. Although planning is smart, quick thinking is vital. I should prepare for what lane I need to go, or what direction needs to be taken in order to prepare for what I need to do at that moment. Waiting or lagging in action can cause mistakes to occur, and create a more difficult circumstance for drivers around you. Overall all these steps are not only useful for me, but should be followed by every driver.

In the end, driving can be useful and be an efficient way to go around for day to day activities. But what needs to be taken with more precaution is the safety on the road, and building the fundamental basics of how to act on the road. Although many people may not experience some action blockbuster car chase in their lives, mistakes can occur at any time on the road, and accidents are very real. To limit the amount of casualties following the driving safety procedures can become a strong tool to provide a safer future.