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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – Driving Recklessly

Name: Mayte Campos
From: Arlington, TX
Votes: 0

Driving Recklessly

Distracted driving affects everyone on the road, from the passengers to other drivers- but the fear of knowing that anyone could be driving recklessly is a harrowing thought that’s always in the back of your mind. Learning drivers are statistically more likely to get into an accident, this is often young teenagers who are teaching themselves. Teenagers are famously not the safest individuals, there’s an epidemic of teenagers and young adults driving without being focused, either because of phone use or alcoholic substances. Young drivers should find a way to stay focused on the road while driving and should learn about the dangers of driving while under the influence of alcohol. Although, since the rise of information about the dangers of driving, many teenagers continue to get into accidents while under the influence.

I, as a young person trying to learn how to drive, am keenly aware of the dangers that arise from driving, especially since haven’t been desensitized to being out on the road. Since I was young, I was taught to be afraid of roads for my safety and in response to almost being run over as a child. Due to this, I have continued to be careful around roads as a pedestrian, and now that I’ve come of age– as I’m learning how to drive. Hearing constant news of how people my age or younger get into fatal car crashes has kept me from enthusiastically and confidently going out on the road; greatly affecting my freedom and confidence in living out independently. Through the fear of getting into an accident, I’ve continued in getting educated on how to maintain my safety, and others while on the road. A greater education makes sure to decrease the chances of people getting into an accident, at any age.

When thinking about a demographic to dedicate time to teaching, many organizations focus on people who are just starting to learn which, as stated before is made up of young adults and teenagers. Even though we know that older generations also get into accidents, here it’s not because of inexperience, but because of complacency. A study made by national general insurance in 2011 found that 18 percent of drivers would fail the knowledge test for a learner’s permit if they had to retake it, while another study found the statistic to be as high as 40 percent. For this reason, I find that the prevention of accidents on the road should be a greater issue for all demographics and ages. Continuing education for people who need it should be easily available and required for people who’ve shown a need for it. Although these implementations are more large-scale and require the involvement of multiple parties, there are individual things that can be done to prevent accidents.

People can keep themselves from becoming a victim or the cause of a car accident by being aware of their surroundings. Knowing when to stay at home or get someone to drive you whenever you don’t feel like you could drive safely, can not only keep you safe but also other drivers. It’s well known that education and knowledge of the dangers associated with driving don’t necessarily prevent people, like teenagers, from driving under the influence, because of the illegality of the action and the false confidence that comes from being under the influence. Teenagers who are allowed to drive can be coerced into driving under the influence because of the chance of getting caught drinking alcohol while being underage, therefore choosing to put their lives on the line for keeping their illicit actions under wraps. The pressure that can be put on a teen to get home, even if they are not in the condition to drive, can force them to get back on the road even if they didn’t plan on it. If the person decides to get an Uber or a friend to drive them home, then they risk their car being deserted in an unknown place overnight, which can lead to a break-in of their car. This can cause them to lose precious belongings, not to mention the cost of the additional two drives from a cab service or a peer. If someone already has a way to get themselves home then they are less likely to get someone else to drive them places, especially because of the lack of understanding regarding drunk driving. When under the influence, alcohol makes someone feel more confident than they usually are, which would contribute to why someone might decide to drive while intoxicated. Because of these reasons, individuals who already know the dangers of drunk driving may still drive while under the influence, which gives a troubling result when trying to maintain the streets safe, which is that there continue to be situations that can’t be prepared for. If someone refuses to get help, then you can’t force them into it, which is why there should always be safety measures implemented for people on both sides of an accident.

There should be things such as cabs which can take people under the influence of alcohol or other substances back home, or safer parking lots where cars can be stored without the unknown of the night. There are multiple ways to keep people educated, such as driving classes that are available for low-income drivers, as well as educational facilities which help keep drivers’ knowledge of the road and their cars up to date. Helpful apps for drivers would be reminiscent of google maps, which shows you the safety of a route, or street, to be able to prepare for any type of accident-causing situation adequately. All of these should be in conjunction with the local government to help not only educate and inform, but also protect individuals before an accident occurs. Becoming enthusiastic about getting on the road, and after learning to overcome the fear of driving, I hope to continue my education by getting my learner’s permit and hope to become a safe and educated driver in the future.