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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Steps to Success on The Road

Name: Desiree Alexis Smith
From: Warrensville Heights, Ohio
Votes: 0

The Steps to Success on The Road

The excitement on one’s face as the thrill of earning one’s license at age sixteen happens. The fresh air as one drives down the rural road, finally having the opportunity and freedom they have dreamed of since they were young. The chance to have a choice in life, picking where and when one wants to go somewhere. The only issue is that once one achieves their license, the preparation and lessons they spent a year learning are no longer acknowledged and instead erased, allowing people to follow any rule they want to on the road, leading to speeding tickets and traffic violations, etc. The road is considered their path to a new start but will that start lead to the unruly death of another due to their impractical and dangerous driving habits, causing them to waste the rest of their life behind a jail cell, making them miss out the precious moments with their families and friends.

As of now, I have had my license for one year; although that is not a lot of time, I have obtained some bad habits from eating while driving and speeding due to my constant lateness in the mornings to making quick changing of songs and texts to my family and friends that I am on my way to their current location to pick them up. These moments of weakness have transformed into danger on the road, forcing me to pay for damages to my car by some unnecessary accidents, where I have bumped another car’s tire and scraped the side of my house, all due to my rushed mornings. It has even gotten to a point where my family fears driving with me due to my constant dependency on my brakes for support in stopping possible collisions.

These bad habits need to end, but the issue is how do I stop them. After doing some research and having some time to think, I have come up with a step-by-step plan to avert these issues. The first step would be to wake up early to ease the stress of the day and decrease the rush of the mornings, allowing me to have time to get to my destination, and preventing me from speeding from point A to point B. By waking up earlier by ten or twenty minutes, I am allowing myself time to cook and eat at home; plus, if I do not wake up on time, I can still bring my food with me but wait until I get to my destination to eat the food, allowing me to have both hands on the wheel at all times. The third step would be to use Siri or voice control on one’s phone product or car, if provided, to change the song station or call someone, allowing the driver to not physically divert their attention and eyes from the road for several seconds or minutes. This will give drivers more control over their driving, giving more trust to the phone and the different accessibility options it has. It will help one to also learn how to perfect their diction, allowing for Siri to understand them. Not to mention, I recommend putting their phone on Do Not Disturb to silence any messages, stopping the driver from having the urge to check their phone. These tips have guided me in becoming more aware of the road and the people around me, allowing me to become a safe and better driver. The more conscious I am of my actions and the steps needed to follow the laws, I am more likely to follow and stick to them. To achieve one’s goal, they have to put in the effort and time, even if it is time-consuming, the point is to prevent harm to others and oneself and also learn how to adapt to change and not take the lazy routes in life.

These tips and concrete steps will allow for constant focus on the road and avert temptations and distractions from occurring, leading to car accidents, injuries, and possible deaths. The more one uses these steps, the less likely people will fear being in a car with them. The more one follows the rules of the road and prepares themselves before they drive, the fewer accidents and deaths will occur. My life as a driver has dramatically improved over the past year. I am no longer texting and driving and am actually taking time in the morning to put myself first and get my breakfast, etc., ready to go for the day to prevent rushing.