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2022 Driver Education Round 2 – The Safety Driving Experience

Name: Andrew Nguyen
From: Houston, TX
Votes: 0

The Safety Driving Experience

Driving is one of the privileges most people earn in the United States. You can drive anywhere at anytime when you get your driver license. It is one of the few things many US Citizens desire to obtain. But as I mentioned before, it is a privilege. And this privilege can be taken away if you are a reckless driver that broken many driving laws. Not only do you break the law, but you also increase the risk of injury upon yourself and others around you.

I have a personal experience in a car crash that physically affected me. When I was a young lad, me and my family were driving home after a trip to the grocery store on a dark night. Arriving at a traffic light, the light went green, indicating that we can move forward. Unfortunately, another driver on our right was in a rush that he did not noticed the red light in his view. What resulted was a loud crash that sent our car spinning out of control into a ditch.

When I woke up, I tried to get out of the car. But when I force my legs to move, I couldn’t. The car crash affected my spine, preventing me from moving my legs and lower body anywhere. I was put in the ambulance and drove to the nearest hospital. Luckily, my legs were able to move after a few hours. But it still ache in my legs and back every time I walk around. Not only the fact that my legs It took a while for me to walk without pain, and it cost a grand to hire a physical therapist to help me walk better. This event will always be imprinted in my mind for the rest of time, working as a warning for me to drive safely.

This accident caused a lot of stress and money to us. That is why I believe in more strict and safe driving. Having a good foundation of driving education can help reduce the amount of casualties and accidents while driving. It is surprising how many accidents that happen due to poor driving education or ignorance of the law. Compared with other countries, we have high amount of reckless drivers and drunk drivers in general. Not helping the fact that poor road planning and little walk-able sidewalks can increase risk of danger to walkers nearby.

Driving safety is an important aspect in driving. It is the factor that determines if you live or die. Being prepared to drive can help reduce your chances of breaking the law, being injured, or paying high fees for damages and violations. Getting a driving education can help you be aware of the laws, risks, and general know-how about driving. But even with driving education, it is ultimately up to the driver to adhere to the safety of others around him and to follow the laws to prevent any casualties from ever happening again.

There are many basics tasks you can do to prevent reckless, unsafe driving. Some obvious pointers include never drinking and driving, texting and driving, being distracted and driving, and so many other deadly combinations of an activity and driving. These may be basic and that everyone should know what to do, but considering the fact that these crashes involving these deadly combinations indicate that everyone still do not know how to prevent deadly accidents.

But probably one overlooked safety rule that everyone seems to ignore to some extent is to never go over the speed limit. Death caused by going over the speed limit contributes 29% of all traffic accidents. This is very concerning because it is a common occurrence that happens every day. Sometimes people go over the speed limit to get to their destination faster. And I can understand the reason to go over the speed limit to some extent. But this is risky even on an empty road, as you have less control in an area with a lower speed limit than what you are driving now.

It is impossible to say if safe driving will ever improve in the long-run, but practicing safe driving can help lower the your chances of getting injured or killed. Like, who would want to die in a car accident? You will be just a statistic when you die, contributing to the number of deaths in vehicles. That fate is a very easy one to avoid. And this a fate I want to avoid.