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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Drivers Ed Essay

Name: Sammy Alvarez
From: Garden Grove, CA
Votes: 0

Drivers Ed Essay

In order to reemphasize the danger of driving here in the United States, the annual deaths caused by driving is 34,000, which is more than the deaths brought on by both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. Driver education is absolutely critical in reducing this number and ensuring that every single driver is aware of their responsibility as a licensed driver. By each driver accepting this responsibility, they are not only being weary of their own safety but, in turn they are also acknowledging the safety of their fellow drivers on the road. Driver education teaches all potential licensed drivers all the essential rules of driving safely such as making complete stops, being mindful of the speed limit wherever they may be, understanding the signs, understanding the layout of roads, using turn signals, knowing how much distance to keep behind the car in front, defensive driving, etc.

There are multiple steps that can be taken in order to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving. One step that could continue to be taken is implementing “don’t text while driving” campaigns, and citing those who are caught committing such a dangerous act. If possible, they should be required to also take a course on the dangers of texting and driving. A second step that should be taken is requiring all drivers to retake a driver’s education exam every couple of years to ensure that they are up to date on any changes made and so they are reminded of any and all rules that they may have forgotten. Regardless of the measure taken, drivers need to be held accountable when they are not prioritizing driving safely.

Unfortunately, I have experienced both being in a car accident, and being in a car with friends who have practiced acts of irresponsible driving. I have been in two accidents: in the first, I fell asleep behind the wheel, whereas in the second I was hit by another driver who ran a red light while I was making a right turn at a green light. I have been in the car a couple of times with friends who text and drive, or who are trying to do something on their phone while they are driving. I am heavily against being on the phone doing anything while driving, so naturally this makes me feel extremely uneasy. I believe this to be selfish and inconsiderate of the driver to disregard the fact that there is someone else in the car with them besides themselves. Along with being cautious when driving alone, drivers should be even more cautious when they have passengers in the car as well. Although they may think that they will not get caught or are skilled enough to prevent an accident, anything can happen at any moment to absolutely anyone. No one is exempt from being involved in a car accident.

There are a multitude of steps that I can take to be a better and safer driver. As mentioned previously, I am completely against being on one’s phone while driving as this can be extremely reckless and dangerous since it puts everyone’s life at risk. So, one step that I can take is ensuring that I do not use my phone when I am driving. In order to prevent any potential use while driving, I can try silencing my phone before I leave so I do not get distracted by notifications, putting my phone in the glove compartment, turning it face down so I do not see the notifications as they are incoming, etc. A second step that I can take to prioritize safety while driving is keeping my distance between the cars in front of me so that I have enough time to react, in the case that they make a sudden stop or a sudden turn. Furthermore, I can also make sure that I am always using my turn signals, making complete stops, and abiding by the speed limit. I can also be sure to reinforce these steps when I have a passenger(s) in my vehicle. As I do with myself, I also have the ability to help others become safer on the road. For example, when I see that they are using their phone, I can politely ask them not to use it and further express why I am asking. In turn, it will make me feel safer with them in the car and it can help prevent them from causing any accidents due to being distracted.