Name: Christina Katherine Soto
From: Los Angeles, CA
Votes: 0
little girl sat in the front seat of her mom’s car, excited to go
home after a long day at school. They finally reach the light to turn
left, the ticking noise of the turning signal, wails coming from the
back of the car from the baby’s mouth, the noise of a slight
sibling argument The light eventually turned yellow reaching red and
the mom made her left turn, however, a large impact of another
vehicle sent the car on an endless spin, the cries of the baby became
louder, the glass crackled falling upon the small girl sitting in the
front, and the car most significantly lost its control to keep
everyone in the vehicle safe. The girl was close to taking her last
breath as the seat belt became tighter to keep her safe, although,
the seatbelt was doing the opposite of keeping her safe rather it put
her in more danger as it was choking her. Everyone was focus on their
own safety that it was impossible for anyone to see the purple hue on
the small girl’s face. The girl had to think fast she put all her
energy to unfasten the seatbelt, but the seat belt would not allow
her, luckily it gave in after multiple attempts. They final hit an
object being a nearby gate that stop the uncontrollable spinning. The
mom checked if everyone was okay, she finally reaches the little
girl, the little girl assured her mom she was okay. Her mom was not
pleased and confused that the little girl was not wearing her
seatbelt. The Firemen came and police all gave the same displeasure
to the little girl not using her seatbelt. Only the little girl knows
what happen to this day. I am that little girl who almost lost her
life due to a careless driver who ran a red light, a driver who was
driving way over the speed limit, a young driver who did not have
his driver license, a driver who was inconsiderate of the danger he
possesses by being on the road. I hope my story showed the
importance of one obeying the laws of the road and efficiently
knowing how to be a safe driver. I believe driving school is a great
way to improve the chance of avoiding driving hazards through driving
school. Being safe assures that one doesn’t possess danger not only
to themselves but upon others as well.