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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Steps to Increase Driving Safety

Name: Kennedy Gooch
From: Smyrna, Tennessee
Votes: 0

Steps to Increase Driving Safety

What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving?

Car accidents are the deadliest and the most common type of personal injury. There are 6 million car crashes every single year, and about 1.3 million of them are fatal. Car accidents are the 8th leading cause of death, accounting for 2.2% of all deaths worldwide. It is predicted that by 2023 car accidents will be the 5th major cause of death. Though the warning signs are there, people still do irresponsible things while driving.

I think anyone can agree that when it comes to driving safely, we all think of four main things; not using your cellular device, abiding by road signs, making sure your car is in tip top condition, and using defensive driving. Some of these may even seem minuscule but knowing you did everything you possibly could to keep yourself and others safe is worth it. Those are just three things that will improve your safety while driving. There are several other things that can ensure the safety of drivers. Imagine if we did everything we could to improve our safety, the numbers of deaths due to crashes would decrease like crazy.

Approximately 481,000 people use their phones while driving, and about 434 people die each year by using their phone while driving or being hit by someone using their phone while driving. One of the biggest things we hear as drivers is, “Do not text and drive.” Yet, we still do it. Even if it is not texting, it is answering a phone call or even changing the music. No matter what it is you are doing on the cellular device, it is not safe to do while driving. An accident can happen in just under a minute, the same amount of time it takes for you to check your device. Putting your cellular device away in a bag or even in the back of your car is a straightforward way to protect your safety.

Abiding by road signs means going the recommended speed limit, stopping at a stop sign, and following lights at a stoplight, etc. About 9,400 people die from speeding each year, and 1,000 people die from not stopping at a stop sign or stoplight. These numbers are increasing quickly. “Speeding Kills” and “Obey the Sign or Pay the Fine” are two campaigns used to increase awareness of speeding. We could increase safety even more by adding in more speed cameras to catch those who are speeding. This also would increase the safety of those who do not obey stop signs or stoplights.

When I say making sure your car is in tip top condition can keep you safe, I do not mean having the nicest and fanciest car out there. I mean making sure your brake lights work, your headlights work, your oil does not need to be changed, your gas tank is filled, and that your tires are in good shape. Doing all those things can ensure that you are driving as safely as you can. If your brake lights do not work someone could rear end you. If your headlights do not work someone might not see you coming and end up hitting you. If you have maintenance issues you could even break down and be in danger that way.

Using defensive driving is such an important skill to learn as a driver. You never know what a person will do in a car. Most of the time if you are paying attention and use defensive driving you can prevent crashes from happening. This can be used anywhere from watching people changing lanes to watching people pulling out of a spot at the grocery store. A lot of people do not pay attention while driving, so if you are it would be much easier to watch out for those who are not.

Overall, if everyone put these precautions into play while driving, the world would be a much safer place to drive in. The numbers of deaths due to crashes would decrease tremendously, and the number of people getting fined would decrease as well. Though you can only be responsible for yourself while driving, it is important to remember the warning signs, so you can keep yourself and even others safe while driving. Another thing is do not be afraid to tell someone if they are driving unsafely while you are riding with them. Telling them this would increase the safety of yourself, them, and others. Listen and pay attention to the warning signs; they are warning signs for a reason.