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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Safe Driving is the Best Driving

Name: ToniRose Martinez
From: San Francisco, California
Votes: 0

Safe Driving is the Best Driving

Distracted driving and drunk driving go hand in hand, they’re both extremely dangerous and potentially fatal. Distracted driving includes anything that takes your eyes off of the road, such as eating, texting, looking at emergency vehicles at an incident and even looking at your rear view mirror. Drunk driving is defined as being under the influence of alcohol with your blood alcohol content being above 0.08%. So far in 2022, statistics show that drunk driving is the leading cause of motor fatalities. In the United States, drunk driving is killing twenty-eight people a day, that roughly one person every fifty minutes or 10,220 men, women and children, dead and taken from their loved ones every single year. Drinking any sort of alcohol is irresponsible if you are the designated driver, but it becomes illegal when your blood alcohol content (BAC) is above 0.08%.

It is important to teach new drivers about the responsibility that comes with driving a car. We must set a good example for them when they’re beginning their journeys behind the wheel of a vehicle. Driver’s education allows not only the youth, but adults about the importance of driving, and following the guidelines/rules to be a safe driver. It allows us to understand proper protocol when switching lanes, when we’re able to pass the bike lane, the different meanings of the stop lights, and how to drive during seasonal weather. Statistics show that drivers education reduces car accidents because the driver is more informed and aware of the road & its many signs. Driver’s education allows an individual to be more safe and take the proper precaution when driving, resulting in less accidents, traffic violations, and fatalities.

There are so many steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving, but the one that I believe is most important is wearing your seatbelt. Whether you are the driver or passenger, or even a child in a car seat, it’s important to wear your seatbelt to prevent yourself or anyone from getting ejected from the vehicle. Seat Belts were made to reduce and prevent fatalities and serious injuries, like hitting your head on the dashboard or steering wheel. Another step I believe will help reduce the number of deaths due to driving is to follow the speed limit. Oftentimes we are rushing because we’re either late for work, school, or an appointment, but in my opinion it is best to just be late than getting into an accident. When an individual is driving over the speed limit it puts pedestrians and others at risk. Following the speed limit will help not only ourselves but innocent victims on the road. Taking the proper precautions like wearing a seatbelt, obeying the speed limit, and taking public transportation or ride share when drinking can help reduce the number of deaths related to driving.

Accidents caused by drunk or distracted driving occur quite frequently, but I feel very lucky to have never been in a major accident. It’s actually very ironic that I came across this scholarship because I had watched a youtuber whose father recently passed away due to someone being under the influence of alcohol and drugs in Ohio. The daughter made a video regarding her fathers passing because her subscribers really enjoyed the father-daughter relationship that they had and the videos they would make intrigued her subscribers forming a love for her dad. When I came across the video, you can see the daughter is distraught, I began to cry for her. She explains to us how her father will never see her get married or see his grandkids grow up and I was truly saddened for her and her family, because now they’re left without a husband and a father. It upsets me so much to see people lose their loved ones, because of one’s senseless act. Coming across this video acted as a reminder to myself and my loved ones to always drive safely, and be aware of our surroundings. It made me realize that a text, phone call, cup of coffee, or food can wait until I arrive at my destination because it’s simply not worth an accident or someone else’s life.

Not only can we take steps to improve the number of deaths related to driving but we can also inform our family, friends, and loved ones how driving erratically by distracted driving or drunk driving can affect their loved ones if one were to be fatal or severely damaging to the body. We can inform our family and loved ones of steps to be taken to prevent any harm from happening to them and anyone else. During the holiday seasons it is very common for families to throw a gathering, leading to drunk driving during the nighttime. When the holidays come I always inform my loved ones to take public transportation or ride share such as Uber and Lyft when they decide they will be drinking, to protect not only themselves but innocent people on the road. The holiday season we have more people on the road visiting one another, so we want to make sure we’re being considerate and safe for everyone’s wellbeing.

Finally, since I do suffer from driver anxiety I will take the following steps to try and minimize my anxiety but also be a safe driver. Some steps that I will personally take is avoid drinking or eating while I’m on the road, unless I am a passenger, so I can minimize any distractions from the road. I will also leave my phone and apple watch in my bag or the trunk to avoid any notification from distracting me as I drive. I also enjoy the fact that phones have a do not disturb option when driving. It truly helps those that are driving to just pay attention to the road. Taking these proper precautions and safety measures will allow me to be a safe driver, and avoid any accidents being caused by distracted driving.