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Driver Education Initiative – Mindful Driving

Name: Amanuel A Zimmerman
From: Dunlap, PEORIA
Votes: 0

I recently
experienced a car accident that could have 100% been avoided. What
teenagers don’t realize is that we can loose control in a matter of
seconds. There are many factors in driving that we can’t control.
Examples of these factors are road conditions, who else is on the
road, time of day, visibility, etc. However, there are factors that
can make driving more safe. Turning down the music, not being
distracting within the car, driving defensively, and not speeding
will help make your trip safer. Reasons why teens don’t do these
things is mainly to impress your friends or just to have fun. It may
be fun in the moment, but there is always the chance of you ending in
the hospital. Trust me, it’s not fun going to the hospital in the
middle of the night. You will regret it if it happens to you and it
will change you forever. So I hope anyone who reads this essay
thinks about what i’m talking about. It may seem cool in the moment
but would you want to go to the hospital over it?