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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Safe Driving for Everyone

Name: Brianna Nemcik
From: Winsted, Connecticut
Votes: 0

Safe Driving for Everyone

The importance of Drivers Education in reducing the number of deaths related to driving is about paying attention to your surroundings when someone else is not. Which means that if a pedestrian is in a crosswalk that does not see you, you must brake immediately and avoid contact with the pedestrian. You must be sober and not impaired to lower the chances of causing a death when behind the wheel. You need to feel confident behind the wheel when driving, know the laws and speed limits that are around you, and if you have prescription glasses you must wear them while driving. In Connecticut, we have state wide curfews for minors, we are not allowed to be on the roads from 11pm-5am, this is in place because they are still young and most accidents and deaths with teens happen during those hours of the night. So this was put into place so that everyone can stay safe. The only time you are able to drive during those hours is if there was an emergency or a work situation. Steps that need to be taken when driving is that you can not be on your phone or any handheld device when you are driving, Distractions when driving is when your eyes are paying attention to something else other than the road and your surroundings. When you are distracted you are more prone to lose control of your car and swerve into oncoming traffic and hit a pedestrian or an oncoming vehicle and possibly have someone die due to your distractions. Texting can wait until you get to your destination, nothing is more important than your life and everyone else’s around you. In Connecticut, if you are under 18 you are not allowed to use a handheld device or bluetooth in a vehicle you are operating. I have been in a car accident where I was not at fault. I was on a main road heading down hill at a complete stop due to traffic, the person behind me was not paying attention and was on their phone when I was hit from behind. I was only driving with my license for 7-8 months at the time, so this was my first car accident. My friends do not drive responsibility, they go on their phones and go dangerous speeds on the highways, they have been pulled over 3 times due to dangerously driving, once for going 84 in a 65 speed limit area on the highway, another time for being on their phone, and then once again for not wearing a seatbelt while driving. When I have passengers in my vehicle I always pay attention to my surroundings and make sure that everyone can get to our destinations safely, which is my top priority when behind the wheel. Some steps that we can take to become a safer and better driver is turning phones on driving mode. My iphone automatically will turn on drive mode when it starts to feel it move. When my car is in drive mode it will alert anyone that will text me with an automatic message that says that I am driving and I will see and respond to the text message when I get to where I am going. During this I am not prone to check my phone and my concentration is on the road. We can also become safer drivers by speaking up if you are not comfortable driving somewhere, especially if you are inexperienced driver and new to having a license, in this scenario I would find someone else who has been driving longer than me to make sure I get to the destination safely. You can also look into programs. These programs provided me with my 8 hour safe driving alcohol and drug course, where I was able to learn and ask questions about being on the road. They also provide services to be taught one on one safe driving in a vehicle that they will provide for you. They will teach you how to park safely in a parking lot, how to merge into traffic lanes safely and how to drive responsibility. When my dad put me into this program I was very relieved that I was going to be able to learn from one of the professionals about what to look for on the roads. I am more thankful that I know how to drive safely and responsibly while commuting back and forth from my college classes. If I am able to help someone learn how to drive safely and responsibly I would give them the most advice that I can and also refer them to programs for the classes that have helped me and my friends.