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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Quantina Cummings
From: Chicago Heights, IL
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat


Driver education is one of the most important lifetimes learned skill you will use on a constant basis for as long as age allows us. Drivers’ Education is amongst the greatest high school accomplishment and a big deal of responsibility given a teenager and adult. While the accomplishment of being in the driver’s seat is so gratifying, it is also “most deadly and dangerous to our nation than being involved in combat,” according to an article in ( 2022. (Drivers Education Initiative 2022: In the Driver’s Seat). Driver Education provides significant lessons for properly and safely operating a motor vehicle.

The Importance of Driver Education in Reducing the Number Deaths Related to Driving

The importance of driver education in reducing the number of deaths due to driving is, it can decrease the number of deaths significantly by properly following driving skills and rules provided to you in your educational course such as traffic laws. These skills learned and laws provided in Rules of the Road Please Drive Safely in Illinois Jessie White Secretary of State at 2022, Include: Traffic Laws, Sharing the Road, Driving Under the Influence, Traffic Violations/Crashes, Roadway Signs, Safe driving tips and others. For example, if every driver driving wherever, you may be going are following these rules of the road this number one can and will prevent the number of accidents therefore decreasing the number of deaths. When we follow the rules of the road taught in driver education, we demonstrate skills taught and a lifetime of safety behaviors not only for ourselves but for others driving also to reduce the number of deaths as the result of driving. (Rules of the Road) Please Drive Safely in Illinois Jessie White Secretary of State at 2022.

Steps to Take to Reduce the Number of Deaths Related to Driving

Steps to take to reduce the number of deaths related to driving first would be to follow all guidelines and skills learned in your driver education course. Secondly you could make safety your number one priority while driving. Being safe while driving can include things like wearing your seatbelt and be sure not to go above the speed limit, you can find the speed limits signs posted while driving. While in the driver’s seat you should also take note of anything you may be doing that can and will cause you a distraction. Distractions in today’s driving can include things such as operating the radio and or use of your Bluetooth for music. Even listening to loud music can stop you from hearing a horn honk or emergency vehicle notifications. Other distractions can include being on your cell phone with lengthy and intense conversations. To prevent this distraction, you can before takeoff be sure your cell phone is properly mounted for less use as possible while driving and already have your Bluetooth connected. You may not realize that having long and intense conversations while driving can inadvertently distract your driving. You can prevent this by waiting for those type of calls for when you get home safely. Texting according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at 2020, is the most alarming distraction in taking your eyes of the road for 5 seconds. The distractions mentioned above are listed at the Distracted Driving / Transportation Safety Injury Center / CDC at distracted driving. One other distraction is being in a hurry and being impatient due to traffic delays or road construction. As mentioned in being impatient or in a hurry while driving can cause tailgating, speeding, the disregard traffic signals and road rage which all can cause deaths related to driving. You should take steps to prevent impatient driving by leaving early and be sure to pace yourself not to get in the driver’s seat in a rush. You can ask a family member or friend to drive instead for your safety and the safety of others.

An Experience I had While in an Accident

For me there two incidents where I have experienced being in an accident. “I can remember as a teenager my sister and I were driving along on the expressway, my sister was in the driver’s seat, it was heavy rain, and the car was a stick shift.” “As we proceeded to exit the expressway, a puddle of water turned the direction of the car causing us to spin around at least four times to facing the oncoming cars and semi-trucks!” “I can remember being so frightened we both cringed thinking our lives were over and the car stopped spinning to land right in the small area of the exit and the expressway!” “She and I both sat in silence at least 5 minutes before continuing to drive again.” This experience shows how weather can also be a primitive factor for the cause of death while driving. Another accident I experienced was being in early morning work traffic, the traffic would be a continuous stop and go. Well, the traffic came to a stop, and I stopped but the utility van behind me ran straight into the back of my vehicle with a very hard hit. I experienced whiplash and a mild concussion that left me off balance for a good month and a post traumatic fear of seeing cars approaching in the rear-view mirror. This could’ve been an example of a distracted driver or being impatient and in a hurry. There are many factors to consider while in the driver seat and understanding the importance of how driver’s education and following its rules makes a difference while in the driver’s seat.

Becoming a Better and Safer Driver and to Help Others to Become Safer on the Road

You can take steps to becoming a becoming a better and safer driver on the road by being sure to first follow all rules, guidelines and laws provided to you in your Driver’s Education course. Such as those listed in Rules of the Road, Please Drive Safely in Illinois Jessie White Secretary of State at 2022. You can be a better and safer driver by following safety precautions of wearing your seatbelt and taking necessary steps not to be distracted as mentioned in paragraph three “Steps to Take in Reducing the Number of Deaths due to Driving”. While driving you want to be considerate of yourself and others including the safety of all in the driver’s seat, taking all things into factor such as, traffic, weather conditions, distractions, road construction, speeding and reckless driving. Creating for yourself a step-by-step plan before getting behind the wheel and share it with your family and friends is a great idea to expand better and safer driving for drivers all around you. You can also encourage the next person to do the same and pass it along building a domino effect for a greater impact. While in the driver seat taking these steps can help prevent the number of deaths because of driving and make everyone a better and safer driver nationwide. Therefore, Drivers Education is extremely important when it comes to driving as it results to the prevention of accidents and reduce the number of deaths while in the driver’s seat.





(Drivers Education Initiative 2022: In the Driver’s Seat) ( 2022

(Rules of the Road) Please Drive Safely in Illinois Jessie White Secretary of State at 2022.

(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) 2020

(Distracted Driving / Transportation Safety Injury Center / CDC)