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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – In The Driver’s Seat

Name: Christy Rae Peterson
From: Enoch, UT
Votes: 0

In The Driver’s Seat

When one is old enough to earn their permit, a good driver education is a must have. Most states do not even allow students to receive their license unless they have passed a driver education class. Classes such as these teach young drivers how to be safe while driving, and teach the dangers of driving unsafely. Vehicles are basically death machines hurtling down the road at up to 90 miles per hour. If one decides to drive unsafely, the consequences can be dire. It can result in serious injury, the death of yourself and others, and could earn you a prison sentence.

To reduce the number of deaths related to driving, one must follow the laws of the road. Stop at stop signs and stop lights when they are red, turn on your turn signal when turning or changing lanes, and do not exceed the speed limit. Speed limits are there for a reason; keep everyone safe. You shouldn’t go 30 in a 25 residential area, because you never know when a child at play could run into the road in front of you. You must be aware of your surroundings. If anything impairs your focus, you shouldn’t be driving. Driving drowsy is very dangerous, and could result in you falling asleep at the wheel. If you find you can barely keep your eyes open while driving, pull over and take a nap. Do not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They put your mind in the wrong place, and you won’t be able to see and drive straight. Do not do multiple things at once, including changing the radio station, eating, or using your phone while driving. Any distractions take your focus off the road. Always wear your seatbelt, and insist that any passengers wear their seatbelts as well. Seatbelts save lives. It is very rare for one to be ejected from a car in a crash while properly wearing safety restraints. Following all of these rules, you will be a safer driver and it will decrease your chances of getting into an accident drastically.

When my mother was young, she was in a car accident that was pretty bad. Her car flipped over several times. Miraculously, she wasn’t harmed. We are thankful that she wore her seatbelt that day. However, my father does not use his turn signal when he’s supposed to. I always get after him for it, telling him it’s not safe. One of my sister’s friends refuses to wear her seatbelt when she’s riding in our car. We have to wait for her to put her seatbelt on in order to go, which forces her to put it on. I sometimes fall to being unsafe as well. One day, I was dropping my little sister off at school. Once she was in the building, I started backing up to get back to the main road. I felt my car bump into something. Feeling a sudden sense of dread, I looked in the rearview mirror. There was a car behind me. Panicking, I pulled forward a little bit and exited my vehicle. The woman driving the other car got out as well, and we both surveyed for damages. Not finding a single dent in either car, the woman was a saint and let me go. I got back into my car and cried as I drove to school.

To become a safer driver, I need to always look behind me while backing up. To help others become safer drivers, I would suggest them taking a driver education course and try their best to pass. Everything that is taught in those classes helps students desire to be a safe driver. One must also make sure that their car is tuned up and working properly. One time I got pulled over because one of my headlights wasn’t working. I was driving home from work, and it was starting to get dark. I hadn’t realized my headlight was out, so when I saw the red and blue lights of a police cruiser, I thought it was going somewhere else and pulled over. When it followed me to the side of the road, I began panicking. The officer came to my window and I rolled it down. He asked if I knew my headlight was out. I told him I did not and he asked to see my license. I reached into my wallet and handed it to him. He went back to his car to check it, and I was left in an awkward silence. Once he came and handed it back, he told me I was free to go home. It is dangerous for something to be wrong with your car. A headlight that doesn’t function properly can result in you not being able to see in the dark, which increases your chances of getting into an accident.

Safety is a top priority when driving. If one drives safely by following the rules and taking extra precautions, they increase their chances of living a long and healthy life.