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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Essay Drivers Education

Name: Brenda Sanchez
From: Lacey, Washington
Votes: 0

Essay Drivers Education

Taking drivers education is very important because it reduces the number of accidents on the road. The driving classes will be very informative and will teach you everything you need to know, when to turn, how to merge into the lanes at the right time, how much time you have to wait at a stop sign, parallel parking, ect. All of these are important rules and things to know that you will learn in drivers education, it will teach you to prevent an accident.

The important steps to take to reduce the number of deaths is to be very cautious, follow the rules like following the speed limit, avoid drinking, making sure your car is in good condition, ect.

I have never been in an accident but my sister has and it was a traumatizing experience especially since she had her kids in her car. It was during a rainy day and her car wasn’t in the best condition so maybe that was the issue. The front part of her car was bad. The car slid and hit another car. This is an example of making sure your car is in good condition, to be cautious especially when the weather isn’t the best. Remembering the most important rules and understanding that your life is at risk when drinking and driving, car problems, being on cellphone, and other things, so it’s better to avoid and fix those things than regret later. Also make sure that you turn on your blinkers to let people know you are merging into the lane, you are changing lanes, or you are taking a turn. Be very careful where you can turn to the right since you can turn when there is an opportunity, the traffic light isn’t necessary so be very careful and choose the right time to turn so an accident isn’t done. Also there are a lot of people who are speeding so if they are pressuring you to be faster just move aside so there isn’t a chance that they hit you.

Taking the proper driving classes will be the best option to reduce the number of deaths when driving. In those classes you will learn everything you need to know about driving and will be more likely to follow the rules. Also being self conscious of what you are doing and what you feel play a big part when driving. Driving with 100% of your attention is ideal so that an accident can be avoided. It’s also very important to not be under any substance. To be conscious of all those who can be at risk because of your own decisions. Being on your phone even for a second is a lot and its increasing the risk of an accident. It is very dangerous, you can hit someone walking, you can hit the car in front of you, you can lose control of the wheel and hit any car surrounding you. Remember that driving risks everyone, so we all need to contribute and be better at driving, being very cautious and remembering that rules are there for a reason.

We want everyone to drive safely. I think if everyone that drives had consideration of everyone they would stop speeding, drunk driving/driving under the influence, being on their phones, ect, but some of us are not very smart and we think that nothing will happen and it’s a tragedy when it does, when you are putting your life at risk and other ones as well, especially if you have passengers in your car, and the other ones in the cars surrounding you. Did you know that 2.1 percent of the driver’s education group that was tested was involved in an accident that caused injury or death, compared to 2.6 percent of those who did not take driving classes. This may be due to lack of knowledge since the people who don’t take driving lessons know how serious breaking the rules might be and they don’t know everything they need to know, we can see that it is very important to take those driving classes. I can definitely say that I am not perfect at driving but I try my best to make sure I am making the right decisions when driving. I try not to go on my phone while driving, only on stops, I make sure my car is in good condition, as well as following the rules. I try my best everyday to be better for everyone.