Name: Paola Gomez
From: Spring , Texas
Votes: 8
In the Driver’s Seat: Precaution is the Best Option
I recently got my driver’s license, and it feels good to have it finally. I am now able to drive anywhere I want whenever I want. Yet, despite this excitement, I will always be aware of the huge responsibility that I carry. Even before I got my permit, I was nervous at the idea of being on the road. I still remember the beating of my heart when I was driving down a highway and the front right tire popped. I was afraid and anxious, knowing that my mom and sister were in the car with me. I felt the steering wheel jerk (I luckily had both hands on the wheel), and I tightened my grip to maintain the truck from veering off the road. I then eased my foot off the accelerator and signaled to pull over to the side of the road. Had I not taken a driver’s education course I may not have been so lucky. If I had been driving with one hand, had braked instantly, or had freaked out the outcome would have been entirely different.
Because people are preoccupied with their day-to-day lives, it can become a daily routine to grab the keys and drive to their next destination. Over time drivers become confident, almost nearing carelessness. You will hear some people say that they are excellent drivers and therefore do not need to worry about the probability of being in an accident. No matter how confident someone is in their driving abilities, a responsible driver should practice active defensive driving. Even seasoned drivers are susceptible to probable accidents. That is the risk of driving. Driver education is important not only to assess the driver’s ability to share the road with others but to also prepare the driver to understand the responsibility of being behind the wheel.
Some readers may feel as though I speak in principle, but I have been a part of two accidents now and my sister was in one as well when she was the driver. In both accidents, I was the passenger, and in both accidents, there were extenuating circumstances. The first time it happened it was just my mom and me. We were in Texas during the severe winter storm Uri. We were going downhill when the truck began to slide towards the left, my mom lost control with the trailer weight pulling the truck. We then flipped over, it all felt so fast and yet so slow at the same time. We were incredibly lucky that the truck had a safety frame rack sticking up above the height of the hood. Otherwise, we would have been crushed under the weight, and the hood would have caved in. My first instinct was to look over at my mom because I was worried about her safety. With all the adrenaline in my body, I was not aware of my injuries at the time. I seemed fine with only small cuts on my hands and legs. I later found out that I went through intense whiplash. I was told by doctors and chiropractors that I should be fine and heal entirely within a few months.
Four months later we were in another accident. This time it had been raining and the truck flipped to the left when going through a semi-circular loop in order to get on the freeway. This time my siblings were with us, and their safety to me was much more alarming than the first time. Again, the flip felt like the fastest and yet slowest moment of my life. I was partially healed from the first incident, but with the second one, I was left with constant neck pain and tension even now.
Drivers should always keep in mind what they learn in their driver’s course. Driver education courses are crucial because they are specifically designed to prepare drivers for being on the road and all it entails. They not only provide the basics but teach judgment skills, common sense, and defensive driving. These are the tools a first-time driver needs to be prepared for any occurrence. It is important for drivers to do their part, whether it is maintaining their vehicles, not drinking and driving, removing all distractions in the vehicle, or even be prepared in knowing what to do in emergencies. Of course, it is inevitable to prevent accidents in their entirety, but it is always best to drive defensively. As a driver on the road, it is my responsibility to always be prepared and never be too confident. Precaution is the best option.