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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Save a life, drive safe

Name: Calleigh Vincent
From: Lacey, Washington
Votes: 0

Save a life, drive safe

June 29th, 2022. The date of my first car accident, and I was the driver. I lost all control over the car and there was no stopping it until the car hit a big pile of dirt. I was told over and over driving was a big responsibility and anything could happen any second. What I wasn’t told was even the most experienced drivers could put your life at risk while driving. I went to the DMV for my second drive, nervous, but expecting a normal drive. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. When I began my drive, the instructor pointed out that my brake light was on and he informed me the emergency brake was broken but had told me to ignore it and continue driving. Knowing he had been doing this for years, I trusted him and continued on with my drive. All was going well until the end of my drive. I was supposed to come to a stop and back around a curb but when I went to hit the brake, the car didn’t stop. Instead, we went through a wooden fence, hit a tree branch, and stopped by running into a pile of dirt. The window was smashed and there was wood all around the car. I had to crawl to the other side of the car to be able to get out because my side was blocked. All the instructor did was smile and ask if I tried to hit the brake. I’m sitting here crying and shaking while he’s smiling. He acted like it was no big deal and explained that he’s been in many car accidents with students.

Don’t you think something should change if multiple students are getting into car accidents? Imagine being a new driver, scared and nervous, then you get into a car accident with a drive instructor. How are teenagers supposted to get over the fear of driving if we can’t even trust our instructors? Multiple claims were made against the driving school I went to and nothing was done about it. The school ignored everything said about them. It took threats about suing them, cops being called, and investigations being done on all the workers for the school to even remotely do anything. Thousands of teens die every year from driving and the importance of safe driving needs to be expressed more. People need to realize how quickly your life could be taken in just a split second while driving. That one text message you checked could be the reason you’re in the hospital. That little bit of alchohol you drank could be the reason you die. That one wrong move could be the reason someone else gets hurt.

If you are learning to drive, ask questions, be sure about what you are doing, and learn the importance of safe driving. These simple steps could be the reason you live another day. These simple steps could make someone else think twice about their decisions. These simple steps could help reduce the amount of deaths there are every year. 3 simple steps. The reason why almost 3,700 people die every day, yet people continue to underestimate the importance of safe driving and what could happen.

What should you do to be a better and safer driver? The number one thing you can do is always think of safety first, no matter what. Before you start driving, cut out any distractions. This will ensure your ability to safely perform driving tasks. Keep your eyes on the road. If you are driving, your focus should always be on the road and your surroundings. Lastly, don’t depend on passengers or other drivers. You should know what you are doing if you’re the one driving. If you don’t know, ask before you start. If I would have spoken up or asked questions I could have prevented that accident from happening. If I wern’t relying on my driving instructor at the time, I could have stopped driving before the brakes gave out. All we have is the future and now. The past is behind us and we can’t change anything. All we can do is learn. That’s why everyone needs to prioritize safe driving more. Any time you get in a car whether you’re the driver or passenger, your life is at risk. You never know what could happen next so knowing how to handle different situations is such an important skill to have. Be safe. Be cautious. Be a better driver.