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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Learning through life experiences

Name: Terje' Miller
From: Medina, OH
Votes: 0

Learning through life experiences

About 2 years ago, I was in the same situation as most almost 16 year old kids, being so excited to finally get my drivers license and gaining the independence that comes with this right of passage. I had the opportunity to take my driver’s education course in a pilot program of doing it online, right in the middle of COVID. At first I was nervous about this opportunity, but soon found it actually was more beneficial for me, because of my hearing impairment. I was able to follow the lectures easier by having a volume control on my computer, having the teacher be right next to their computer microphone, and being able to take screenshots quickly of the notes, giving me more time to take my notes after class and make sure I recorded things accurately. This proved to increase my retention from the class helping me to be more successful on my driving test.

When I first started my Driver’s Education class I knew that driving was a big responsibility, but I was unaware of how dangerous it can be. I didn’t realize how easy one little mistake can be and the consequences from that mistake can be lethal. I think learning the details of these easily and commonly made mistakes in Driver’s Ed has helped me to be a safer and more aware driver. I think that having these classes required, as well as having State laws like we have in Ohio can help save lives. At first I was disappointed with the laws that for my first year of driving I could only drive one friend at a time, had set State curfews, and could not touch my phone at all. However, I now realize the importance of these rules because even when you follow all the rules, mistakes can still happen! I am living proof of this and was so lucky to have the outcome from my example be the way it was.

About one and a half years ago, three months after getting my drivers license, I had the experience of getting in a very scary car accident. I was going to pick my brother up at his friend’s house. I had dropped him off earlier in the day when the weather was beautiful. Doing this helped assure me I was familiar with the route I would be taking. However, when I left my parents and I didn’t realize how the weather had taken a complete turn and how stormy it had become outside. By the time I was about to turn into the neighborhood to get my brother, the snow was really coming down and it was almost a white-out outside. I was making a left hand turn, and looked to make sure I was clear, but then took the turn so slowly as to avoid sliding, and a car came out of nowhere and T-boned me.

When this accident happened I was all alone in the car. The impact of the crash ripped both of my cochlear implants off of my head, leaving me completely deaf. To say the least, I was terrified. I couldn’t find my phone to call my parents, I was in shock, and didn’t know what to do. I was so blessed, because the first responder happened to be my brothers’ friends’ mom who was on her way home at that time. She came to check on me and the other driver and called my mom right away.

I learned a lot of things from this horrible experience. The first thing I learned was that in a storm, whenever possible avoid driving and just stay home and safe. If I have to go out, I have learned how important it is to go slowly but also to be completely aware of my surroundings and how much longer it takes to make turns, so I need to react accordingly. I was able to take a safe drivers course after my accident to help reiterate the importance of always being safe on the road. As much as I hated going through this experience, it was a good eye opening situation where I could see that just the littlest of mistakes, when you are behind the wheel, can have huge consequences. I was blessed to not get injured too badly in this accident and the gentleman who hit me was not injured either, which I am so thankful for, however the car was a different story. It was totaled! I hope that in the future I will be able to avoid ever being the cause of an accident again!