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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Rules of the road

Name: Elijah Markland
From: Lacey, Washington
Votes: 0

Rules of the road

  • The importance of Driver Education in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving would be so that less people have too worry about being the next one too die in a car accident from a drunk or reckless driver, getting hit by a driver not paying attention or that is drunk is not in their control so all they can do is hope that it won’t happen, that is why everybody needs too do what it takes too drive safe and avoid all the things that can cause an accident and hurt or even kill someone. This is why driver’s education is so important, so that everyone knows and understands all the things they can and cannot do. By taking drivers, school drivers and their family not only won’t have too worry but WILL be safe and can keep people safe on the road. If everyone didn’t try too speed, swerve, eat something, talk too someone, be on their phone, and actually pay attention, that would help reduce the number of deaths as well.

  • What steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving? Making sure all all learning student drivers understand that they can kill someone and can die from driving if they aren’t careful of everything going on around them and that they need too be aware that there are people that can hit them from them recklessly driving and paying attention. Stopping reckless drivers from getting on the road and keeping all the rules simple enough so that everyone understands even if they are new too driving, they can be safe and make sure if there is an accident it isn’t caused by them. If everyone is making sure an accident isn’t caused by them it could reduce the amount of crashes. Also if everyone makes sure they aren’t doing anything reckless like speeding, running a red light, overtaking a slow driver, on their phone and doing something that is distracting them from the road, etc. Making sure that if you have friends or other family member that are learning how too drive or will learn how too drive soon too let them know all of the information which includes what the driver instructors tell you along with the rules of the road that you know and have learned from experience and other good drivers that have been driving for a long time tell you something that makes sense so that they know before taking drivers school and will know more and understand better when they are out on the road.

  • I haven’t experienced being in a real car crash that involves another vehicle but I have seen plenty of bad accidents on the road and hear about them on the freeway as the cause of traffic. The freeway is probably where the most accidents happen since everyone is going fast and trying too get around cars that are going slow and that puts not only them but everybody around them at risk. If people kept a good distance from the car in front of them and made sure too check mirrors, behind them, and both sides before they move over too the next lane making sure there are no cars and it’s safe too get over it would help make driving on the freeway a lot safer. It will only work and keep everyone safe if everyone does it because it only takes one person too cause a bad accident.

  • Some steps I can take too be a better safer driver and keep everyone around me safe involves taking driver school seriously and completely understanding everything about driving such as when too check mirrors and surroundings, what too do when street lights aren’t working, when too get over, keeping the right distance from the cars in front of me so that if they make a sharp stop i have time too stop and as long as the cars are doing the same and keeping a good distance between each other will have time too stop as well, but too be able too stop in time other drivers need too be paying attention and that’s just something i think everyone should know and understand because it only takes a second or two for an accident too happen. These are some things that everyone should know and take time too learn about, practicing driving frequently while supervised if you’re still learning will give you a better understanding as you’re experiencing how it is driving and you’ll get used too it the more you drive and take in everything.