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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Dangers Of Driving

Name: Cadence Carr
From: Trophy Club, Texas
Votes: 0

The Dangers Of Driving

Car accidents are one of the main causes of death in America, driving can be extremely dangerous and it can cause a lot of harm to everyone. Once you put your body in that vehicle you are risking your life. If you have a passenger in the car with you, then you are also risking their life as well. The importance of driver education in order to reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving is extremely important. I feel the need for everybody to go to driving schools and learn the importance of driving and to learn how to properly drive a vehicle by a professional. Learning the basics and the safety protocols of driving is extremely important and it is mandatory for any incoming driver. Some steps that can be taken in order to reduce the number of deaths that is related to driving is to properly teach each person on how to drive and to make sure that no one is drinking behind the wheel or using their cellphones or breaking any rules. It is important to keep everybody in the car and outside of the car safe. I feel as if mainly the deaths from driving occur when people are drinking or driving or if they are on their phones texting, becoming very distracted from the road. So, in order to prevent these things from happening is we need to always make sure that the designated driver isn’t intoxicated, and if you are a passenger and you see the driver is distracted on their phone, tell them to stop and remind them that being distracted behind the wheel is very unsafe. Personally, I have experienced being in a car accident and my mom and I got rear-ended from somebody who was texting while driving. The woman got out of the car after she hit us and exclaimed that her brakes weren’t working which had caused her to sit us. But, my mom knew that she was lying since my mom looked in the rear view mirror before the crash and saw that she was on her phone texting. Then, out of nowhere she claimed that she was going to call her husband to blame this accident on them. This situation made me realize how important it is to beware of your surroundings and to always be safe and be cautious while on the road. Some steps that I can take to become a better and safer driver is to get off my phone while I am driving, also for me to not play my music as loudly because loud music can distract the driver. I need to pick wisely of who my passengers are to make sure they are not going to distract me while I am driving. Another way I can continue to be safe while on the road is to not zone out and to not drive when I am very tired or sleepy. I also need to wear my glasses at night to help me see the roads and to help me be cautious and aware of my surroundings. Then, a way that I can help others become safer on the road is whenever someone is on their phone, I need to tell them to turn off their device and to pay attention to the road. Also, if I notice that someone has been drinking and they are expected to drive, I am going to take over and drive everyone myself to make it safer for everybody because drinking and driving is extremely dangerous and should never be tolerated. Driving is very important and is the main way of teleportation. Being safe while driving is mandatory since you are put into a life or death situation. People need to remember that they are not only risking their own lives while they are in the car but also other people’s lives as well. There have been many accidents where people were driving safely but just because of the other person in the vehicle was driving while intoxicated or was becoming distracted while being behind the wheel, has struck somebody else who was innocent in the other car and either hurt them tremendously or killed them. There was a story where after New Years this teenager was drinking and driving and drove on the wrong side of the road and killed a little kid. Now everyday the kid’s family has to grieve over their son’s loss and around New Years they are going to get a gut wrenching feeling because that is a day that they will never forget. It is very sad that this happens commonly just because people don’t know how to be responsible and drive safe or properly. Next time, when you are driving think about others and yourself and do the right thing and don’t risk your life or anyone else’s be safe!