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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Knowledge Saves Life’s

Name: Alexandra Campuzano
From: Houston, TX
Votes: 0

Knowledge Saves Life’s

Driver educations is important because it teaches people about accountability from his/her actions. A common idea when one thinks of how deaths occur from driving may include driving under the influence. However, driver education also teaches people that is not the only cause of death. It emphasizes the importance of checking your surroundings such as one’s blindspot because this can cause an accident as well. Driver education also teaches people how to maneuver vehicles when the weather is in control of one’s situation. When driving on a puddle of water, the vehicle may hydroplane and one must know what to do in order to prevent an accident that can be avoided. Vehicle maintenance is also an important aspect of driver education. A tire with low air pressure could lead to a hazardous situation which could hurt other people asides from the ones inside the vehicle. One must be capable of knowing how to drive in any condition and this includes knowing the rules of following a four-way intersection correctly. As populations increase in cities, the chances of death occurring from driving increase as well. The power of knowledge is that it is spreadable, and as more people learn about driver education, they can teach others about things as well which can prevent deaths from driving.

There are many steps that one can take to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. In regards for the driver and their passengers, it is always important to wear a seatbelt and convince others to wear it as well even if the car ride is short. Many people tend to avoid wearing a seatbelt when going on a short trip, or taking a paid ride such as Uber or Lyft because they have confidence in the driver’s skills. However, no matter the circumstance it is important to wear a seat belt because an accident may occur through the actions of another driver. You are not excluded from the chances of an accident happening to you.

Another step which can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to be responsible. For example, it is not a crime to go out and have fun in regard to alcohol drinking. However, it becomes a crime when one is driving under the influence. It is important to plan ahead and set either a designed driver who will not be drinking or set up a paid car ride to avoid anyone drinking and driving. Asides from being responsible with your own self, if you see someone under the influence somewhere and they are preparing to drive it is important to assist them and prevent them from driving. A parking ticket will cause much less destruction than a possible drunk driving accident. By taking this action to help others, you could be preventing the deaths of people that can be killed from a single person’s actions. Being responsible is also to be aware of your surroundings because it is crucial to preventing driving related deaths.

I have had more than one experience of being in a car accident. It is an unfortunate experience to deal with especially when struggling financially. As stated earlier, no matter the distance to your destination, nothing excepts you from the chances of an accident occurring because there are other drivers too. My experience happened last year when I was coming back from picking up food and was heading home. It was around 9pm when I was turning into the entrance of my neighborhood street when a sports car slammed into the front of my car. I was making a left turn and the car exiting my neighborhood street initially stopped at the stop sign but proceeded to ram into my car. I believe he was not paying attention because of his poor judgment to assume he was not going to slam into my car. He proceeded to commit a hit and run and sped over 80 mph on a 35 mph road until his car failed which led to him slamming into a gas station. When he sped away, my first instinct was to chase after him with my damaged car because I could not afford to fix the damages he did and I could not let him get away. Driving with a damaged car was already a danger however I managed to catch up to him only because he crashed into the gas station located very close to the initial crash site. While I managed to get his contact information and pressed charges when police arrived, he was never charged because he failed to show up to court and has not been found since. Since the accident, I have not received money to repair the damages, and on top of that, the result of the accident led to my car catching on fire due to the damage he did to my engine. I am fortunate enough to not be one of the deceased from a driving related accident, however my own experience has affected me greatly. Since I only make enough money to get by with bills and rent, I have not had enough money to purchase another car which has led to a lot of stress especially in regards to my education. My next semester of school will involve a lot of driving because I have clinicals for nursing school and it is very upsetting that I must struggle even more because of the actions of someone else. As inflation increases, so does the cost of affording car rides like Lyft and Uber. The result of what can happen in a day has negatively impacted me even after a year later and I am not the only person who has been negatively affected from the lack of driver education.

There are many steps that can be taken to become a better and safer driver. I can prioritize my mental health because the lack of it can cause distraction from overthinking and making sure I get enough sleep. A lack of sleep can be a hazard because one must always observe their surroundings and multitask by making sure you are going at a safe speed limit. Driving too slow or too fast can pose a risk to an accident occurring. I can help others by educating them about driver education and about focusing on mental health. People who suffer from mental health problems can deal with a chance of not paying attention to the road or reckless behavior. Reckless behavior can be a sign of someone that is struggling with depression and this can include alcohol or drug abuse. When one is abusing alcohol or drugs, they may place themselves in a hazardous situation by deciding it is okay to drive under the influence. This is extremely harmful and is a cause of death resulting from driving. If more people are educated on working on their mental health, perhaps alcohol or drug abuse rates may lower which can prevent the chances of a vehicular accident occurring. Education and help is crucial to fighting this problem that is widespread around the country.

In conclusion, the pandemic of deaths resulting in driving can be lowered through effective communication between people involving driver education and efforts to stay safe. Mental health contributes to driving patterns and it is important to address a possible root cause as to why people drive unsafe. Knowledge is spreadable, and as more people learn about driver education, we can hope that the information given can be placed for the greater good of our future.