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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driver Safety

Name: Zobiana Dillsworth
From: Oakland, Maryland
Votes: 0

Driver Safety

Driving is something that the majority of people do or want to do. However, driving is dangerous. Many people do not realize the amount of control they have while in the driver’s seat. A lot of people suffer from severe injuries because of car accidents, yet drivers still do not pay attention. Even if they are good drivers, the people around them may crash into them and cause a wreck. Therefore, every driver needs to pay attention to their surroundings. These drivers need to be educated on both the risks and consequences of driving. If they are properly educated, they will be more cautious when driving.

When I was eleven years old, I got into a car accident. I was sitting in the passenger seat; my sister was in the back. My father was driving. He was drunk. I got in the car anyway, but now I regret it. We were driving down the road when my dad looked away. Suddenly, the road was gravel instead of asphalt. The tires began to spin. My dad says he hit the brakes, but we did not stop. Our car went down the hall, slamming into a telephone pole. Thankfully, we were okay, but the firemen that showed up said it was a miracle. Because of my own experience with a reckless car accident, I am scared to drive. You never know what may happen, whether it is caused by you or someone else. However, it is hard to live in the world today without ever driving. So many places require a car, and my parents cannot drive me forever. Because of this, I have accepted that I will have to learn to drive.

The number of accidents would lessen with an increase in Driver’s Education. While Driver’s Ed is required prior to receiving a driving license, most people do not really pay attention to the material. They do the bare minimum to pass the test. While they know the content for this small period of time, most immediately forget what they learn. They then cannot drive as safely as possible. If more emphasis was put on the information taught in Driver’s Ed, people may try to respect it more.

Additionally, the majority of people do not know the statistics of driving. Though people know car accidents are common, they may not know the number of accidents is so high. It is said that more people die annually from car accidents than from war. The statistics themselves (34,000 driving-related deaths a year) may not seem really bad, but if it can be considered worse than war itself, it provides a different perspective. If people know how high the chances of dying in a wreck are, they may drive in a safer manner.

Driving safety could be better legislatively. Currently, some driving issues are not punished as well as they should be. Passing the car in front of you in a no-passing zone may only result in a ticket. If there was a more severe punishment, drivers would be less likely to pass in a no-passing zone. A ticket, however, may seem like nothing to the driver, so they continue doing it.

While, overall, people believe they are good drivers, there are still ways they could be better. Most car accidents occur because of distracted driving situations. If people stay off their phones and keep their eyes on the road, the risk of getting into a car accident greatly decreases. While looking away can be tempting (whether it is because of crying kids in the backseat or constant notification sounds), it is not worth it. Even if the driver’s focus only changes for a second, it can end in death. All it takes is one look away for another driver to slam into the car.

While these accidents may still happen, they are less likely. Other drivers may be distracted, but if you maintain your own focus, you may still be able to prevent an accident. For example, if someone is looking at their phone and runs a stoplight, you may be able to stop to avoid a crash. While you are not the one in the wrong, you will still experience the effects of the other driver’s mistake. If you are paying attention and remaining cautious of other drivers, you can stop yourself before they make a mistake. It would be better for other drivers to be mad at you for randomly stopping than for someone to get seriously injured because you kept going. Drivers always need to watch their surroundings to ensure everyone’s safety.