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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance Of Drivers Education

Name: Destiny Freeland
From: Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania
Votes: 0

The Importance Of Drivers Education

When I was in high school, I treated our driver’s education course like it was just another painful requirement I had to sit through in order to graduate. I did not pay attention and even skipped some of the classes because I thought I had more important things to do. Now that I am older and have a little one of my own, I know that driver’s education is vitally important in order to be out on the road. As a mother, I would not want my child to ignore all of the safety lessons I should have learned in school but did not pay attention to. I want my child to be as prepared as possible when it comes to being a responsible and safe driver. I also never want to get a call or a visit from the police telling me my child has been killed or injured as a result of being a reckless driver. 

Driver’s education can reduce the number of deaths as a result of driving because if you know how to protect yourself, you are essentially protecting others. If you know what to expect while you are driving, you can avoid dangerous situations by driving defensively and responsibly. Driver’s education can also help reduce the number of deaths because an educated driver will know how to read certain road signs that may indicate danger ahead or construction that needs to be approached with caution.

A couple of steps can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. The first and probably most important is to inspect your car before taking it on the road. Make sure the tires are not flat, inspect the windshield for cracks, check your mirrors and windows for dirt that could obstruct your view, and make sure your lights and signals work. Another step you can take is to get your car serviced and inspected as needed to ensure everything is running properly.  The second step is to make sure your seat belt is securely on. The next step is to be alert while driving. Check your mirrors frequently and look out for road obstructions or dangerous drivers. Be sure to use your signals when turning or switching lanes to avoid any accidents.

I have been in a few car accidents, most were no fault of my own. However, there was one that was entirely my doing. I was in an argument with a friend and  made the mistake of driving while I was feeling angry. I was not paying attention to how fast I was going. It was raining and I was going around a very sharp curve that was marked 25mph. I did not slow down enough because I allowed my brain to be distracted. Next thing I knew, my car was spinning in circles, at the time it felt like I was in slow motion but in reality it happened in a matter of seconds. That’s all it takes for disaster to strike while driving irresponsibly. My car finally came to a stop much further down the road as flipped onto its side. I had a thermos water bottle on my passenger’s seat that hit me in the head as it crashed through my window causing it to shatter. My car was inches away from knocking over a row of mailboxes as well. A neighbor nearby heard the crash and came out to help me get out of my car safely. I was in shock and did not know what to do, he helped me climb out of my window and called 911. I walked away with a bruise on my chin and a minor concussion. I thank God that there were no other cars coming from the other direction and that no one was hurt in the accident. Looking back, that was one of the most scary moments of my life, but I’m glad it happened before I had my child. I don’t know what I would have done if my child was involved in an accident with me. I would never forgive myself if he got hurt as well. That accident was a huge learning experience for me to NEVER again drive distracted or while feeling emotional. It will only lead to reckless behavior.

There are a couple of other steps that can be taken for me to be a safe driver, such as the ones I listed in the beginning, inspecting the car before driving, staying alert etc. Personally, I also check in

with myself before I start driving. If I feel like my brain will become lost in thought while driving, I do a quick 10 minute breathing meditation to let go of any negativity. I do not think people take driving while very emotional as seriously as they should. It can lead to an accident like mine or far worse than mine. Driving while your brain is distracted can lead to unnecessary speeding, running through red lights, or hitting another car, object, or even a person. I definitely encourage others to check in with themselves before starting a car and driving, especially if they have passengers they are putting at risk. Ask yourself how you are feeling and if needed give yourself a breather. It could be the difference between life and death.