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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Calista Rybicki
From: Anchorage , Alaska
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Education

As a newer driver living in Alaska where the driving conditions can be less than desirable, I see a driver’s education as highly important. Having educated drivers on the road will ensure that people have more of an idea of how to handle situations on the road that tends to lead to accidents. To some drivers, education seems like an inconvenience, however, it is more of an inconvenience to not take driver’s education. The basic skills that are taught in driver’s education cannot be matched by a parent or friend teaching a new driver. The high number of deaths that are caused by what seems to be a convenience in America is tragic. Within the state of Alaska, there are around 80 deaths as a result of driving every year. This number may seem small in comparison to the 34,000 people who die throughout America each year, however, this year alone I have known 2 people personally who have died due to driving accidents. I believe that if states require so many hours of driver’s education to qualify for a license that it could reduce the number of deaths each year. I also think that if people seek help and guidance when moving to a different state with driving conditions that vary from where they learned to drive would significantly help. It is mind-blowing that people who are impaired by some outside source still choose to get behind the wheel. With so many ways of requesting a ride home, this should encourage less driving under the influence, yet people still choose to drive anyways. I have had a close family friend pass away recently due to being hit by a drunk driver. He was taking his father to the airport late at night and his son was also in the car. When at an intersection where he had the right of way a drunk driver came at them and hit their car. All three guys were rushed to the hospital and the driver was in serious condition, the passenger seat rider was injured but going to live, and the son in the back seat had minor bumps and bruises but was physically okay. For the next few days/weeks, the driver was in and out of surgeries and the intensive care unit and unfortunately passed. This tragedy could have simply been avoided if the driver had chosen not to drive under the influence. Only a few weeks before this a past graduate from my high school was also in a horrible accident with a driver under the influence. She was in a car with her boyfriend when a drunk driver came through and hit them as well as 2-3 other cars. Her vehicle was knocked into a tree. They were unable to get out and the car ignited and unfortunately killed both people inside. There were other victims of this same accident and it is tragic to know one person who made a bad decision that cost multiple people their lives. Although I have never personally experienced a car accident, I have seen my mother being driven by her stepmother who was under the influence. This experience was terrifying because I had no control over the situation and neither did the driver, to be honest. Thankfully everyone in the car was okay and there were no injuries, however, this showed me that drivers who are under the influence need not have the option to put their lives or anyone else’s in danger. Seeing and hearing about the horrible accidents that occur in both my home state as well as the other states is mortifying, however, I know that if I am as prepared as I can be that is all I can do. I can take small steps to be a better safe driver and increase the safety of others around me. I took driver’s education before getting my license and I feel that it significantly helped me feel more comfortable and confident on the road. Since I do live in Alaska I also took a winter driving course to help learn how to react to driving on the ice and snow. These two driver’s education courses I believe it has made me a safer driver. I also make sure every time I drive that I am wearing my seatbelt as well as anyone who may be riding with me, I do not use my cell phone when I am driving, and I am very attentive to my surroundings. When I move states for college I intend to seek help learning how to drive in a new place with larger highways and different circumstances. I have learned how to drive on ice and in the dark, however, driving on large highways is something I have not been able to gain experience in. To more experienced drivers this step may seem unnecessary but I want to make sure I am a safe driver for both myself and those around me. Although all these steps may seem small they help ensure I am being the safest driver possible.