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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Importance of Driver’s Education

Name: Aliyah Charbel Morgan
From: North Fort Myers , FL
Votes: 0

Importance of Driver’s Education

One evening, I arrived at my soccer practice and saw my coach gloomily standing in a neck brace. Shocked, I asked him what happened even though I knew the answer before he would respond. He was suffering through the pains of a recent car accident. His neck fractured at several points and his shoulders bruised from the hit. I sympathized with my coach and demanded that he tell me what the events were leading up to this incident. He explained to me how he managed to fall asleep at the wheel and irresponsibly continue driving after feeling severe levels of exhaustion. He hit several cars; but, he was subject to the majority of the damage. The rest of the people involved in the crash were safe, while my Coach experienced some serious physical blows as mentioned before. When discussing the situation with me, he emphasized the stupidity in his decision to continue driving and place himself into this dangerous, life threatening situation. My coach made sure to let me know that this accident was no one else’s fault but his own because of his wrongdoings. He explained the despair he was managing post incident and mentioned all the feelings of regret he was experiencing. Specifically, he told me that if anything had happened to the people he had crashed into, he would’ve never been able to live with himself again. From this I learned how significant driver’s education truly is alongside the idea that irresponsible driving does not only put yourself in danger, but everyone around you as well.

Ever since this day, I have focused on the idea of safe driving because I would never want to find myself in such a position. It is imperative that we make sure people are aware of the dangers of irresponsible driving before sending them out on the road alone. Yearly, or bi-yearly, educational courses should be taken by not only young people trying to receive their driver’s license, but people of all ages to ensure that everyone understands the safe expectations of operating a motor vehicle. Surely, this idea will continually inform greater numbers of people on driving safely; therefore, this will reduce the number of deaths due to accidents. Yearly or bi-yearly physical driving tests should also be mandatory for citizens who plan on maintaining a valid license. As people grow older, or as illness and other life events occur, many may forget the basic rules of the road that we may believe we know by heart. Rules might even change or new signs and signals may develop, therefore providing an additional reason for consistent testing and verification. Yearly physical tests and educational lessons are beneficial to consistently remind people of how important driver education truly is. Refreshing one’s mind on all the negative consequences and important rules regarding the operation of a vehicle will save lives and reduce the likelihood of tragedies.

Personally, to become a safer driver I should take the time to review the rules of the road more often so that I am not questioning any decision I make while driving. This will allow me to feel more confident with my driving ability, allowing me to feel more content and comfortable driving others around with me. Improving my driver’s education may also encourage the people closest to me to take more responsible steps towards their own driver’s safety and education. Simple discussions as well about why driver’s education is significant will be beneficial in spreading the word. Another important way of sharing the importance of safe driving is through speaking up when you see something wrong. For example, if I’m driving with a friend and I notice her texting and messing with her phone while driving, it is then my responsibility to speak up and let her know she is not being responsible nor safe. At that point, my friend would be endangering her life, my life, and the life of all the driver’s and passengers around her vehicle. When it comes to driving, it is important to recognize the idea that one mistake or irresponsible decision from a driver can lead to the death and destruction of several other people and cars surrounding them. Driving is not the responsibility of one person, but it is the responsibility of everyone on the road. Driving should also pose as more of a privilege in our society that must be earned through yearly courses and tests to make sure all people operating a vehicle are aware of the expectations and precautions that come with the task.