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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driver Education and its Importance

Name: Eliza Lucia Brown
From: Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Votes: 0

Driver Education and its Importance

Driver education has been proven to be crucial for drivers. As we all know, education is critical as it helps society be safe and efficient. Driver education not only teaches drivers about the rules and regulations of the road, but also helps keep the roads safe for all drivers and pedestrians. When taking driver education as a young driver, what stuck with me the most were the statistics shown in class. These are numbers that most drivers would not consider but are ones we should all remember. Specifically, one of the statistics that sticks in my memory is that it takes an average driver traveling 55 mph about five seconds to drive across a football field if he or she is driving 55 mph. Statistics like these should be a reminder to the average driver that driving is a very serious ordeal and to goof around could cause some serious issues and potentially lead to someone’s death.

There can be more education and ads to reduce the number of fatalities related to driving. I think drivers should be required to take an education class every few years. This will enable them to be updated on the rules and be reminded of how to operate a vehicle safely. Advertisements on these education tips will also remind society as a whole of the importance of being a safe driver and the consequences of not following the rules. Some ads are already being covered such as buckling when driving and not operating a vehicle under the influence. If we continue to promote ads such as those, not only will the message of driver safety be spread but it will also remind the public on how important it is to follow the guidelines. These classes as well as these ads will help prevent driving related deaths and help keep the roads safe for everyone.

My closest friend was in an accident earlier this year and it definitely could have been prevented if they had followed the rules. They were speeding on icy roads while also being distracted. They had the car full, with loud music, vaping and checking their cell phones, all of which have been proven to distract the driver. They ended up flipping the car and fortunately they were lucky that no one was hurt. Their car was completely totaled. They realized what they had done wrong and how the simplest of mistakes could cost them their life. They are now very responsible drivers and are spreading awareness about driver safety. I was also in an accident when I first started driving. I was trying to turn left during rush hour and was waiting for about a minute. I was getting impatient and when I thought I saw the opportunity to turn, I took it. Little did I know that it wasn’t clear. I forgot to double check to see if both lanes were clear and I hit someone. My near-death experience was the most terrifying in my life. Luckily no one was hurt but I learned a very valuable lesson that day. I will never try to rush a turn again and I will always make sure to triple check both lanes.

One thing I can do to be a better driver is keep my phone away from me while driving. This is so I do not have the urge to look at it. I also keep any music’s volume down so I can hear what is needed when driving. I can make sure that any distractions are out of the car as much as possible. At the same time, I can make sure that I educate young drivers on the importance of this. When my family and friends commit mistakes, I can remind them of the importance of being safe and following the rules of the road when they commit mistakes. The importance of driving safely on the road while you are on the road is more significant to me than receiving a text message while you are driving. I will always be aware that one wrong glance could result in my death when I am driving. In addition to being a requirement, driver safety education is also very significant. Without these classes, the roads would be a dangerous place. In order to keep our roads safe and prevent accidents from occurring, we as a society must make sure we know the rules of the road. By being educated and being reminded, we can hopefully decrease the amount of deaths related to driving and be a safer society on the road.