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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Drivers Education and Safe Driving

Name: Hanah Muhammad
From: Teague, Texas
Votes: 0

The Importance of Drivers Education and Safe Driving

Not only should you be aware of how driving works you should be aware of the rules it requires. A good driving education program can provide you with the necessary instructions, knowledge, training and discussions needed for driving safely. By using a driving education programs. You are less likely to be involved in crashes or to receive a traffic violation because of not knowing the rules of the road.

Here are some steps you can take in reducing the number of deaths related to driving

  1. Always be cautious of everyone who is inside your vehicle. (Insist that all passengers buckle up in every seat)

  2. Never attempt to drive while under the influence (Either have a designated driver or don’t drive at all. Never get behind the wheel if you are impaired)

  3. Never think that being on time for an event, business meeting, or social engagement is worth risking your life and safety. (If you you think your going to be late simply text or call beforehand letting them know in advance)

  4. Being distracted is a problem in today’s generation. Never underestimate your ability to multitask. (Always remember that when it comes to distracted driving your cell phone is not the only one to blame. Distractions can also be caused by fast food and radio dials.

I have personally witnessed irresponsible driving behavior myself. Running a red light and speeding are my number one witnesses while riding with a family member.

Here are some steps you can take to better your driving, drive safer and help others become safer on the road as well.

  1. Check your mirrors

Checking your mirrors allows you to see more vividly, know exactly what is going on behind you and allows you to make the right choices while driving.

  1. Keep your distance

Maintain a safe following distance from other vehicles you are driving from. When approaching a moving vehicle, you should maintain a safe distance and do not get too close in front of them. Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front

3. Plan Ahead

By planning ahead you are more likely to enjoy your trip rather than focusing on where

you want to go during the trip. By carefully planning ahead you’ll be prepared for any

hiccups along your way and will be ready to take any challenges you face.

4. Never drive impaired

Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medication can cause serious risk.

Always have a designated driver or plan your trip for another day.

5. Go the Speed Limit

Speed limits are here for a reason they help enhance safety by reducing risks imposed

by drivers speed choices. Speed limits are not just there to protect pedestrians but to

protect YOU the driver, it has been shown that it is easy to lose control of your vehicle

at higher speeds.

6. Never drive while tired

Driving while tired is just as driving while under the influence. Be smart and stay home if

you feel tired. If you ever experience drowsiness while driving stop your vehicle and walk

around a bit.

7. Think Safety First

When thinking safety you are thinking about yourself as well as the other passengers you

are driving with as well. Try to think about the what if’s. Always lock the doors and

wear your seatbelt to prevent being thrown out of the vehicle if a collision occurs.

Lastly, always be aware of your surroundings and pay attention.

In summary, knowing the rules of the road and reducing the number of fatalities from irresponsible driving requires knowledge of driving education programs. The more knowledge you have, the better you can recognize and avoid dangerous driving situations and protect others from serious accidents. Driving safely means obeying speed limits and traffic laws, not getting too close to the car directly in front of you, and avoiding alcoholic beverages and certain drugs before you hit the road. Driving safely is important because it can save your life and help you avoid large fines and prison sentences. A safe driver means being alert, always adapting to the conditions of the road environment, and always ready to take action at any circumstance. Awareness is key to defensive driving ensuring you are aware of potential hazards and other road users’ actions around you safe driving is something to be taken seriously and could be a matter of life or death. When driving a vehicle you are tasked with many responsibilities. Vehicles are not toys. Driving is a privilege and can be taken away at the click of a button. Be safe, alert, responsible and experienced.