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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – The Importance of Safe Driving

Name: Alexis Bliesener
From: Mason, Michigan
Votes: 0

The Importance of Safe Driving

Ten thousand people die every year due to drunk driving. Texting while driving causes about four hundred deaths per year. It is time the world realizes the importance of safe driving and takes steps to decrease the number of unsafe driving practices that so many people use.

During my 2020 drumline season, we attended an event called The Jackson Percussion Concussion. To get all our members to the event, we had some parent volunteers drive everyone. The whole event and our performance went great, and at the end of the event, we all chose a parent to take us home. One mom, known for texting while driving, took a group of members and some of our equipment home. While on the way back, she was not paying attention and missed a stop sign. The car got hit; fortunately, no one was severely injured, though many suffered from big bruises, and the drums in the car were wrecked. This crash impacted me since if I had just chosen to ride with a different parent I would have been in a car crash. The individuals in the car crash also suffered from the trauma of being in the accident.

This accident could have been prevented if the driver was not distracted. Nine people are killed every day from distracted driving accidents. Nobody should be texting or doing anything on their phone or any other device while driving. Simple steps to decrease distractions would dramatically reduce the number of deaths per year. Drivers should also not drive when extremely tired or angry; even being too excited while driving can be dangerous. Drivers should be cautious of their feelings before risking their lives in a vehicle. Distracted driving is easy to reduce, notifications can be turned off and phones can be stowed away. Drivers can assess their mental state before operating a vehicle. These are quick and easy fixes that could save lives.

Another cause of fatal accidents is drunk driving. Many teens would rather drive home drunk than tell their parents they were out drinking. Eight teens die every day in drunk driving accidents. More parents should be educated and have conversations with their teens about alcohol. Teens should feel more comfortable talking to their parents than risking their lives. There should also be stricter laws when it comes to drunk driving. There is no reason that anyone should drive drunk. Even if they did not plan like they should have and have a designated driver, there are many rideshare services available to get home without risking the lives of themselves and others. For that reason, the punishment for drunk driving should be incredibly severe. Consequently, deterring more people from making an easily avoidable mistake.

Driver’s education is a vital part of reducing the number of fatalities while driving. While it is an option to skip drivers education and wait to get your license, I do not believe this is a good choice for any new driver. Drivers education teaches all the rules of the road that new drivers need to know. Even if they believe they know these rules, it is helpful to review them before beginning to drive. It is much different to think you know all road rules than it is to apply them yourself. Driver education also forces new drivers to gain experience driving, with the instructors and parents, before driving alone. Therefore significantly increasing the new driver’s skill since the instructors and parents can correct incorrect driving habits before it leads to an accident. Overall, drivers education should be taken or the driver will miss out on unreplaceable learning experiences.

There are many steps I could take to become a safer driver and to encourage others to become safer too. I can purposely limit my distractions in the car by turning my phone notifications off and ensuring I am in the correct mental space to drive. I can also plan so I know where I am going so I am not distracted looking at a GPS. I can encourage others to be safe by never letting them drive drunk. I can also encourage them to plan and get a safe ride home. I can also tell anyone I see texting and driving while I am in the car with them to stop. I will explain the dangers to them of distracted driving so they will hopefully never do it again. I hope that others will take these steps to increase the safety of the roads as well. Lives should not be lost during the everyday task of driving.