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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Drivers’ Education Initiatives to Control Road Accident Death

Name: Maryrose Nguyen
From: Austin , Texas
Votes: 0

Drivers’ Education Initiatives to Control Road Accident Death

Human life is paramount, therefore, must be protected by all means. All incidences that can cause human death must be reviewed and maintained to ensure people’s safety. For instance, many reported cases have identified road accidents as rampant and causing many deaths globally. Therefore, all stakeholders, such as government bodies and the private sector, must initiate measures to reduce road accidents. For instance, the best initiative is educating all drivers on how to drive safely and its importance. Educating drivers on safe driving has many advantages to the driver and the other road users since it ensures careful driving, thus lowering road accidents globally.

There are vast cases of fatal road accidents which lead to deaths and serious injuries contributing to disabilities worldwide. However, these accidents can be reduced by promoting comprehensive driving education (Maryam et al., p. 71). It is evident that people are buying vehicles daily; therefore, there are new drivers every day. In the case a driver who does not have relevant driving knowledge will automatically cause an accident on the road. A comprehensive driving education entails caring for oneself and the life of other road users; with this knowledge, road accidents would be minimal.

According to (2), there are many deaths due to road accidents; for example, in the United States, about 34000 people die in road accidents, a number which is higher than soldiers who die in war annually. However, it can be controlled by applying appropriate measures such as driving education. Therefore, driver’s education is the most effective remedy to these accidents because when training a driver, the instructor will be able to identify the trainees’ bad driving habits and guide them to rectify to best driving practices.

Drivers’ education also enables the driver to be aware of faulty situations on the road, such as car mechanical failure, heavy traffic, unavailable weather conditions, and the availability of irresponsible drivers. This knowledge will enable drivers to avoid these incidences and thus have smooth and safe drives. The trained driver will have an introductory mechanical course and be able to note when a vehicle has a mechanical fault, unlike untrained, who cannot note when a car needs maintenance for even a brake system.

The process of educating drivers enables them to understand the concentration required. This allows drivers to avoid all distractors, such as using mobile phones while driving and driving while under medication. In the case of operating a phone, it can interfere with the driver’s concentration on the road and can cause severe fatal accidents. Driving while under medication can cause road accidents since some medicines have side effects such as dizziness and fatigue, which can make the driver nap while driving. Training also enables drivers to be advised on practical driving, such as being told to consider other road users and drivers as insane and you are the only sane drivers on the road, avoiding risking lives.

The most appropriate steps to reduce death caused by road accidents are driver education and road maintenance. Educating drivers will enable them to observe all the safety rules and have all the required knowledge on the road, thus will lower the accident rate (Richard, p. 3). Despite comprehensive education to drivers, for road accidents to reduce, the government must ensure the availability of standard roads. These roads must be wide enough to incorporate intended traffic, be well maintained, and have all road signs and bumps. Therefore, the availability of standard roads enables drivers to drive safely, thus reducing death due to road accidents.

I have never been involved in a car accident because I often see severe road accidents happening now and then physically or through the media. Most of these accidents are terrific, and people constantly lose their loved ones. Losing a family member through accidents is excruciating, especially through incidences that can be avoided. When I am on the roads, I see people, especially youths, who drive carelessly due to peer pressure and ego, and I feel pity for them and other road users. Teenagers are the people affected by careless driving due to peer pressure; some exceed speed limits, drink and drive, fail to observe road safety measures, and end up causing severe accidents, losing lives, or becoming disabled.

To be a good driver, I must go through a comprehensive driving course, learning all required information to qualify as an effective driver. So many people, especially teenagers, go through the training, but due to ignorance, while behind the steering they practice their things because I am sure no driving school can teach drivers to overspeed, break all traffic rules and drink and drive. In my case, my safety and others come first; therefore, I must observe all road instructions taught in the training process.

People must practice safe driving by going to approved driving schools and learning ways of being reliable drivers. This is because the rates of deaths due to road accidents are alarming and can be controlled by being responsible drivers. Therefore, people must learn to follow all the instructions while driving and understand that life is sacred and thus must be protected.