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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Knowledge and Discipline for You and Other Drivers

Name: Bobby Lee Gray III
From: Harvest, AL
Votes: 0

Knowledge and Discipline for You and Other Drivers

I believe if you teach the rules and the importance of driver education there will be fewer crashes and deaths. Teen crashes and deaths are highest at ages 16-18 so it is very important to teach the next generation. Driver’s education will provide you with the knowledge of what to do in accidents and how to avoid them. Young drivers who don’t participate in driver’s education are 24% more likely to get into a fatal car crash. Also, teens who don’t take that class are 40% more likely to get a ticket.

I believe the majority of car crashes can be prevented by just keeping your full attention on the road and your surroundings. We need to stop texting and driving, or even skipping a song on our playlist. Taking your attention away from the road for even a split second can result in a crash. People and companies have tried helping this problem with inventions. A lot of people now have mounts right beside them for their phones. This device allows you to keep your hands on the wheel, so you won’t have to hold them if you need to use google maps or talk on the phone. Another option you can look into is Bluetooth. This is the best option if you want to be hands-free. You can change songs, answer phones, and it can help you with navigating as well.

Another way to prevent accidents is to not drive while having drugs that can affect your senses or alcohol in your system. About 30% of all car crash fatalities in the United States involve drunk drivers. As well as 44% of drivers in fatal car crashes tested positive for drugs in their bodies. We need to spread this information and the importance of those numbers. We may also need to make sentences harsher for DUIs, so people can think twice about what they are doing.

Whenever you are in a car you should always wear your seatbelt. Doing this is another step you can take to prevent serious injuries or even death. Buckling up your seatbelt can prevent about 50% of car deaths. More than 75% of people who are launched from their seats die from critical injuries.

You should always make sure you get an average of 7 hours of sleep before driving. If you, don’t you increase the risk of getting into a car crash. When taking long road trips, it is recommended that you have a co-driver. If you have someone in the car with you, you could split the hours of driving or converse with them to stay alert.

Everyone needs a yearly checkup for their eyes. It is extremely dangerous to drive when you can’t see everything. If you are prescribed by doctors to wear contacts or glasses, you need to wear them for the safety of you and others. Drivers are 4 times more likely to have an accident when they don’t wear their glasses

I’ve been in one accident while driving. Thankfully, I was not injured, and it wasn’t too serious. Ever since the accident, I’ve been even more careful and conscious about how I do things. Like, leaving a distance between yourself and the car ahead, not checking your phone, checking your mirrors constantly, and being aware of your speed. Both of my parents have been in accidents. One or two of them were serious and the other was minor. They happened because of texting and driving and not paying attention.

I have seen friends drive irresponsibly before. I just try to get on them and explain to them why they need to take car safety more seriously.

To avoid another car crash there are multiple steps I can take. I can keep watch of the weather, so I can avoid driving in thunderstorms, heavy rain, or snow. I will continue to look both ways at an intersection just in case there is a driver that decides to run a red light. Another step is to leave on time or early to avoid rushing. Rushing because you are running late is another thing that increases the risk of car crashes. Also, studies show that if you look a few cars ahead you will be able to prepare for what happens next. Also, you can improve your driving skills by not depending on other drivers. What I mean by this is never assume that a person will move out of the way or let you merge into another lane. You must watch out for your safety and the drivers around you. Everyone needs to spread and share information about road conditions, heavy traffic, and car accidents so we can improve car safety forever