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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Why Driver Education Matters

Name: Janet Musangali
From: Lake Saint Louis, MO
Votes: 0

Why Driver Education Matters

Thanks to the innovation and conveniences of the 21st century, transportation has become easily accessible to the world. You can buy a ticket and hop on a train, wait at a bus stop, or even drive yourself. The percentage of those in the United States who own a car grows every day. Having a car means one’s commute to school, work, or additional activities is significantly reduced. Being able to drive when needed opens up a plethora of opportunities. You can join new clubs, go to the gym, go grocery shopping, and more. Driving is a privilege that enriches the lives of those who are able, but it also can take them away just as easily.

There are an estimated 227.5 million drivers in the United States, and on average there are 6 million car crashes a year. 6 million is a number so large it is unfathomable to the human brain. Out of this 6 million, over 45,000 people die from car crashes a year. The unfortunate thing about a majority of crashes is that they are preventable. Although a majority of states require education before teenagers can obtain a permit, it seems as though the lessons are not effective enough. Many times these car crashes are a matter of people disobeying the rules of the road. It is not possible to know whether this is because people do not care about the rules or because they are uninformed of the rules. Regardless, by ensuring proper education of those who hope to have a license we can prevent some of these fatalities. The difference between life and death in some of these cases is a mere issue of failing to properly merge or not knowing what party yields first. The best way to decrease the number of crashes and ensure safe driving on the road is to make sure that every driver is properly educated.

Although it varies for each state, most states enforce a certain amount of driving hours needed to obtain a license. This begs the question though of how effective this system is. It is crucial to have experienced drivers on the road but it is also imperative to have educated drivers as well. If all states enforced mandatory classes through schools, drivers would be more educated about the rules of the road and have more confidence while driving. Through in-school classes, instructors would be able to teach students consistently, increasing student driving knowledge. Students would be able to learn how important it is to be careful on the road. a big issue with young drivers today is being distracted and unaware of the things happening around them, so an emphasis on awareness is necessary. The innovation of Technology such as cars also means that there are more distractions such as loud music or texting while driving. students could even learn about the legal consequences that come from reckless driving such as tickets, infractions, and more. Teenagers can be reckless when it comes to things such as driving so knowing that actions can have consequences might deter some of this endangering behavior.

As a teenager, I have been in the car with many people who do not follow the rules of the road and even find it comical to break speed limits, dangerously pass other cars, and recklessly Switch Lanes. Adolescents tend to act impulsively due to our developing brains and this means that we do not always think about the consequences of their actions while they do them. anytime that I am in the car with drivers who have no regard for the rules of the road I am fearful of what could happen to myself, the driver, and two other passengers in the car. After listening to countless School talks from people who have been affected by Road accidents I am much more cautious with my driving and make sure to tell my friends to drive safely. due to all of the uneducated drivers on the road you never know what might happen to those you love so you must make sure that you preach safe and educated driving. I know that I’m not a perfect driver or anything close to that but I make sure to always do the small things such as indicating any turn, fully stopping at stop signs, And staying Vigilant of everything around me when I’m driving. By taking these small steps to ensure that I am doing my part in safe driving I am also protecting the lives of others who are also on the road with me. if we spend more time informing drivers of the risks associated with their actions then we will be able to decrease the number of crashes and fatalities due to driving