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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – How Individuals Can Become Safer Drivers

Name: Aparmita Bajracharya
From: Saint Paul, MN
Votes: 0

How Individuals Can Become Safer Drivers

Vehicles on the road are dangerous mechanisms. Heavy cars and trucks made of metal going at high speeds have more than enough force to be fatal. There are millions of drivers on roads in the U.S. everyday which increases the likelihood of driving related casualties in America. To reduce the danger that driving related incidents pose to the American population, safe and educated driving is critical. Driver’s education courses and spreading concrete knowledge of the risks that come with driving are ways to make people more attentive while driving. And while I have never been in a car accident before, safety is always on my mind when I am driving.

Driver’s education is extremely valuable in making driving a safer activity for Americans. It gives drivers the opportunity to get a good understanding of traffic laws and important information related to driving safely. For example, through driver’s education one may learn what the best course of action is in certain situations like severe weather conditions. Furthermore, driver’s education courses are required in many states in the U.S. for drivers under 18, which can be crucial for young inexperienced drivers. These courses encourage safety on the road and impart valuable advice to future drivers. Driver’s education courses are often taught by experienced drivers and people whose job is specifically to teach students the foundations of becoming safe drivers. In addition to basic information about safety and rules, driver’s education courses may also expose students to unique experiences. The driver’s education course I took brought in guest speakers to talk about subjects like severe injuries, organ donation, and safety near railroads. Guest speakers, videos, and discussion made the course more interesting and feel more real, which helped to convey the messages more clearly.

In order to reduce the amount of deaths related to driving it is necessary for individual drivers to take actions because it is their decisions that can have great consequences on the road. One action drivers can take is to be mindful of the laws and dangers to driving. Even as an experienced driver, remembering the lessons learned in driver’s education or when learning to drive are very important to being a safe driver. Moreover, as driving is a part of our day-to-day lives, it is easy to forget about the risks it has, but keeping the dangers in mind makes it less likely to drive recklessly. At the same time it is important to not be nervous when driving as that may lead to distractions or a lack of judgment. So focus, confidence, and alertness is essential to optimize people’s ability to drive.

I have never been in a car accident before, but I have heard about one that my father got into some years ago. He had been coming toward an intersection when another driver tried to make a left turn in front of him. He ended up hitting the car in the side, but thankfully no one was injured. This incident shows how an incorrect judgment can cause a dangerous situation. In this case, the other driver had decided to take a quick turn and was unable to clear the intersection before my father’s car got there. Those who drive irresponsibly may be in a rush to get somewhere and take unnecessary risks, which is unsafe. The dangers to driving are unavoidable. It is impossible to perfectly coordinate the millions of drivers on the road in America every day. And even when one is apparently driving safely, a moment of distraction can result in a crash. Despite this, there can be actions taken to reduce the amount of deaths and injuries related to driving.

Currently, I have my learner’s permit and I am still practicing in order to get my license and be able to drive on my own. The experience and knowledge I gain now will help me become a better and safer driver in the future. And I can already start taking some specific steps to drive more responsibly. One of those small steps is to set aside extra time to drive from one place to another. Considering the time lost due to traffic, weather, or other hindrances can ensure that I can drive carefully without being late. Additionally, making sure that I am alert when driving will help me identify potential threats to my safety while behind the wheel. One other step I can take in the future when I own a car is properly maintaining it. Regularly checking vehicle fluids and promptly fixing minor problems can eliminate the possibility of having more severe problems later on that can pose a risk to my safety while driving.

In order to reduce the amount of deaths and injuries related to driving in America, responsible driving is needed from all motorists in the country. Driver’s education and widespread driving knowledge can encourage more safe driving practices. And it is important for individuals, including myself, to take steps to avoid accidents and hazards. Driver’s education imparts valuable knowledge to future drivers, while maintaining awareness of the risks related to driving helps current drivers stay safe. Because crashes and deaths related to driving can be caused by the smallest of actions, it is important for individuals to take measures for their safety. The majority of Americans will drive and own a car sometime in their lives and the issue of dangerous driving affects all of them, so being safe on the roads is valuable for everyone.