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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Driving: Not a Game

Name: Bailey Bourgeois
From: Geismar, Louisiana
Votes: 0

Driving: Not a Game

New drivers are always coming along and getting a license can be a very exiting time for a person. However, although driving can be very fun, it is not a game and can be very dangerous if people aren’t careful. This is why it is so important for people to be well educated and aware of what can happen when driving. The number of death’s per year from driving is absolutely insane especially when you consider the idea that more people die each year from driving then soldiers did in the Iraq war. War is one of the deadliest things to mankind and to think that more people die from car accidents than war is absolutely mind blowing.

The most important thing that can be done to decrease the number of death’s from car accidents is to educate people. Drivers will argue and say that they are educated and already know how to drive, but there’s more to it than just knowing how to physically drive but also knowing the other information that goes along with driving. Such as making a person aware of the number of deaths caused because of driving accidents. Especially if the cause of the accident is known, such as texting while driving, being drunk/under the influence, or other reasons people who may do these things while driving might think twice before they do it again. As of 2022, 396 people died as a result of texting and driving. Studies have also been shown that sending a text on your phone impacts your reaction time the same as drinking four beers in an hour then driving. That is a very significant impact and a very large number of people to have died while texting. With that being said, people should consider turning off notifications while driving, or putting their phone in a location where they won’t be tempted to use it. With how advanced technology is, just about everyone driving has a phone, and lots of cars have features making it easier to use cell phones. There is an estimated1.3 million deaths per year regarding cell phone use. In this time in history, cell phones are super popular, but people need to learn the importance of turning them off while driving. Not being on a phone for a few minutes/hours will not kill a person, using your phone while driving however, might.

Personally, I have never been in a wreck other than a fender bender, and I was not driving. I have also never witnessed someone I know personally driving recklessly. However, I have seen it in other cars driving along side of me. I have seen the cars who race on the interstate or when a car will just fly by others weaving in and out of cars carelessly. I personally almost got hit by someone’s reckless driving once, however, I luckily, saw them coming before it happened. I was trying to switch lanes and my mirrors were clear, however, when I checked my blindside, a car came flying by me and continued to go past swerving through other cars as well. In a matter of 2 seconds a car appeared out of nowhere and could have cause a serious wreck, had I or other drivers not seen them coming. Often times people drive only considering what they are doing, and not others, which is why it is so important to be alert, aware, and a good defensive driver.

I think the best steps to become a better, safer driver as well as help others become safer is to be a good defensive driver. Some of the best driving advice I got when learning is always be alert and anticipate what other cars might do even if they don’t do it. You always want to be a step ahead when driving and being aware and good defensively, is one of the best ways to achieve that. It is so important to always be 100% focused on the road because even if you are a safe driver, they have others who aren’t and who might not be paying attention. If you are distracted and someone pulls out in front of you while you are looking at your phone for one second, that can be a very serious wreck. It’s not always about being a good offensive driver, but being a good defensive driver is just as, if not more important. For instance, I believe I am a decent driver, however, there have been a few instances where I could have been in a wreck because of the other person if I wasn’t paying attention. Although it is important to stress the dangers of driving, people are not always going to listen and pay attention, so by being a good defensive driver, you are protecting not only yourself, but someone else who may not be as attentive.

Driving, as seen, is one of the most dangerous things and the most dangerous mean of transportation among humans. Part of this is because people are distracted drivers. If everyone would put down the electronics and make sure they are always driving sober, the number of wrecks per year would most likely decrease significantly. It is also very important for people to have control over their emotions. Driving with strong emotions can also be very dangerous whether that be extreme anger aka road rage or sadness. When people get strongly emotional, they are not focused on the road, but their mind is else where based on how they are feeling. So even though that person may not be on a phone or drunk, being in a different headspace can be just as dangerous because your not focused on the road and what you are doing.

In conclusion, while driving can be fun and exciting, it is something that should be done with extreme caution. There can be many negative impacts to driving and not being fully focused on what you are doing can lead to serious consequences. The best way to prevent accidents is to be well educated on the rules of the road as well as being focused on what you are doing and paying attention to what the other drivers around you are doing.