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2022 Driver Education Round 3 – Because Cars Rule the Roads

Name: Larissa McCabe
From: Springfield, ON
Votes: 0

Because Cars Rule the Roads

Because Cars Rule the Roads – Analysis on Reducing Road Collisions

Driving has been the primary form of transportation since the 1920’s when Henry Ford’s assembly line allowed for the mass production of automobiles (Fuller, 2008). Driving, even from the beginning, was a very deleterious way to get from place to place with its lack of road laws, regulations, and safety technology. The NSC revealed that “In 1913, 33.38 people died for every 10,000 vehicles on the road. In 2020, the death rate was 1.53 per 10,000 vehicles, a 95% improvement,” (NSC, 2022). Despite this massive improvement, society still has a long way to go as approximately 1.3 million people die each year from car accidents (WHO, 2022). With driving being an extremely dangerous method of transportation and because cars are the most prominent vehicle on the road, it takes every person who gets behind the wheel to create safer and better roads by being educated on driving safety, knowing precautions that reduce the likelihood of injury and fatal collisions, and how to inform others of road safety.

One of the ways that can reduce the mortality rate of car incidents is educating all people about road and car safety, especially informing those who plan on driving or using personal car transportation. Driving education develops critical thinking skills that are necessary for making logical decisions and choices based on right and wrong, in addition shows the risks and consequences of when unsafe or bad decisions are made. By increasing education on dangerous machinery, like cars and motorcycles, it allows for enhanced awareness and knowledge on how to protect oneself and others on the road. Moreover, with more drivers on the roads than ever before, it is essential that everyone knows the proper safety measures to limit the death resulting from driving related incidents. One study written by Maryam Akbari, Kamran B. Lankarani, Seyed Taghi Heydari, Seyed Abbas Motevalian, Reza Tabrizi, and Mark J.M. Sullman for the National Library of Medicine found that “The present study found that pre- and post-license driver training improved driving performance, self-perceived driving ability, and may also result in a small decrease in traffic offenses,” (Akbari, Maryam, et al, 2021). Thus, the popular usage of educating drivers aids in improving drivers and their performance on the road and helping the overall safety of the roadways.

In the same manner, there are a multitude of tips that drivers can use to ensure that they, their passengers, and everyone else make it home alive. Wearing a seatbelt can greatly reduce death and injury in an accident, as seen from studies done from the United States Department of Transportation which found that seatbelts saved the lives of an estimated 14,955 and could have saved an additional 2, 549 people had they been wearing a seatbelt (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2022). Illustrating that the usage of seatbelts is vital to the safety of drivers when on the highways. Addedly, driving at the speed limit also greatly reduced the likelihood of a fatal crash, as the Institution for Road Safety Research concluded in 2012 that the faster the speed a vehicle is travelling, the greater the probability of a crash occurring (SWOV, 2012). As a result of the stopping distance increasing as the speed of a vehicle increased, driving over the speed limit can be highly dangerous as it becomes harder to break in short distances. From personal experience with driving, it is very rare that people drive under the speed limit, whether down busy roads or back streets in the countryside, which is quite concerning to see. This becomes even more of an issue in the wintertime when the Canadian snow and ice create even more harsh road conditions that often times require a longer break distance and skidding when accelerating too quickly. Equally important to ensuring the safest driving is to limit the number of distractions for the driver. Distractions are all around when driving, both in and outside of the car, so being able to recognize distractions and knowing how to prevent or ignore them can make the difference between an accident and arriving home safely. Canadian insurance company Travelers reports that taking eyes off the roads for merely two seconds can double the chances of the collision (Travelers, 2022). This exemplifies how distractions have highly impactful consequences if not dealt with carefully and correctly. The frequency of visual, mental, and emotional distractions can also indicate how dangerous these can be to the driver and his or her driving performance. Phones are notable distractions in the modern age as CAA National describes that “Mobile phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes annually,” (CAA, 2022). Consequently, phone usage must be limited to before or after driving because in no way is it safe to drive with a phone distraction during driving or stopped at a traffic light. In deciding to follow these basic but vital driving tips, the driver is making the roads safer to be on.

A final way to aid in making the road a safer and better place to be is by educating others on road safety when one sees mistakes. Often times this can be difficult, especially with drivers who are older or more experienced who may have developed a driving style that is not as safe as it could be. While it is not often that I in my own life notice any driving errors, there will be a few times that I catch my parents distracted driving or friends fiddling with the music on his or her phone. A gentle reminder normally is enough to make sure that they stay safe and keep everyone else safe. Other ways that road safety can be to keep a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and precautional items like non-perishable food and extra blankets for the winter season in the car. Despite how it might make one feel like a nuisance, it is crucial to remind others that the road is no place to take chances and may evidentially save lives as a result. Keeping an eye out for other unsafe drivers or other dangers on the road is also a necessity when driving, always being on the lookout for potential hazards. This is to ensure that the environment and people around the vehicle are not taking any risky maneuvers that will cause the driver to be in a collision.

Due to the consequences of unsafe drivers, the fatalities and injuries on roads is extremely high. While companies like Mother Against Drink Driving (MADD) spread awareness and touch their audience’s heart with real tragic stories, they cannot guarantee that every driver will take the messages with them to keep the highways safe, hence the necessity for all drivers to step up and do what they can to get all vehicle users home. When cars rule the roads, the people in the driver’s seat must ensure that the roads stay safe for all by keeping informed, making logical decisions when driving and educating others about road safety.