Name: Sidney Sayward Dimmette
From: Vicksburg, MS
Votes: 0
A Solution to the Vehicular Death Crisis
Imagine…you are driving down the interstate when all of a sudden, you see a reckless driver swerve into someone’s lane. Within a few seconds, you witness a fatal car wreck. It is no surprise that car accidents are claiming lives everyday. In fact, car accidents are one of the three leading causes of death in the United States. The upsetting part about deaths related to car accidents is that many are avoidable with proper training and education. I have seen from personal experience the importance of driver’s education. Overall, the majority of car accidents can be avoided if people are given tools for driver’s education and if the steps to become a licensed driver are changed.
An essential step in limiting the number of car accidents and deaths is to understand the importance of driver’s education. Without driver’s education, people would not understand the laws of the road, what different signs mean, and most importantly, what the difference is between offensive and defensive driving. If people do not take driver’s education, car accidents and deaths will continue to increase. When I took driver’s education, I was not allowed to drive until we learned the driver’s manual and knew what to do in common conditions, such as when it is raining or snowing. If drivers do not know what steps to take in heavy rain or fog, wrecks are bound to happen because they cannot see each other. In sum, the emphasis on the importance of driver’s education is key to reducing the number of vehicular deaths and accidents.
Once people understand the necessity of driver’s education, they will begin to contemplate what steps can be taken to limit the number of vehicular deaths. Some key steps include the requirement of driver’s education and a physical driving exam for a driver’s license. While some states require driver’s education before prospective drivers get their certifications, others do not, which increases the probability of vehicular deaths happening. If people who are not educated wreck into those who are, the wreck defeats the purpose of driver’s education. If everyone is required to take driver’s education, everyone who receives it will be more likely to obey the laws of the road (since drivers will know the rules) and seek to avoid car wrecks.
In addition, a physical driving exam should be required instead of an affidavit. Mississippi, along with several other states, require an affidavit instead of a physical driving test. People are not tested on their ability to drive, which means that anyone can drive on the road who signs the document and has a permit; this is a recipe for a car wreck to happen because head knowledge does not instantly transfer to driving. If people are required to take a physical test, people who drive recklessly or lack skills will not be allowed to drive, which lowers the likelihood of a death by car. The requirement of a physical driving exam and driver’s education can be steps used to reduce the number of vehicular related deaths.
I have experienced situations where friends drove irresponsibly or lacked skill. While I have fortunately not been involved in a car accident, I have experienced friends who exhibited a lack of driver’s education. For instance, my friend was driving in heavy fog with her high beams on, and it became dangerous when she could not see the road. I ended up driving the rest of the way home with the car’s low beams on instead of the high beams. There was another instance when I was driving down the road in heavy rain, and someone came from the opposite way with their high beams on while in my lane. I had to swerve onto the shoulder and avoid that driver. These are some experiences that led me to support the possible steps that can be taken to reduce car deaths and accidents.
Based on my experiences, I have steps that I take to be a safer driver on the road as well as keeping other drivers safe. The first step I take is to practice both offensive and defensive driving on the road. This step has prevented me from being in countless accidents. Another step I take is to go the speed limit and not have road rage. In addition, I have learned how to drive in the rain, heavy fog, and heavy traffic conditions. Most importantly, I stay off my phone, or use bluetooth when driving. Overall, these precautions protect me as well as others from accidents on the road.
Many car accidents and deaths can be avoided if people understand the importance of driver’s education, comprehend steps that can be taken to receive a license, and practice precautions on the road. Without driver’s education, people do not understand the laws of the road or consequences. Some steps that can be taken to ensure safety are to require a physical driving exam and a driver’s education class. Finally, people can take precautions, such as staying off their phone while driving. We can change the number of car related deaths each year; we only need to put these propositions into action.