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2023 Driver Education Round 1 – Risky Driving Behavior

Name: Supriya Jones
From: Hanover, Maryland
Votes: 0

Risky Driving Behavior

Every day is full of risks; unfortunately, driving is one of them. A majority of people across America use driving as a means of transportation. Which means more than a million Americans are driving on the road. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2021, fatalities in multivehicle crashes increased by 16% since the last year in 2020. Accidents are one of the leading causes of accidental death. They do not always have to involve multiple vehicles crashing into each other, accidents also involve hitting pedestrians. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that in 2021 pedestrian deaths have gone up 13% since last year (Newly released estimates show traffic fatalities reached a 16-year high in 2021). It is crucial to have the necessary preventative skills so accidents will not happen, which is where driver education is essential for every new driver or any driver curious enough to retake a driving course. It allows juvenile or experienced drivers to learn or relearn the rules of the road, learn defensive driving and confidence, make quick and safe decisions, and learn how to properly operate and maneuver a car. With these skills in hand, drivers would have the preparedness and skills to drive, and the more they drive, the more experience they will get. With the help of driver’s education and the skills to learn how to handle situations where an accident could arise

Several precautions can reduce the risk of accidents, especially those that cause death. Many drivers drive too close to a person, which can be extremely dangerous when the person in front must suddenly stop or slam on their brakes. It is crucial to leave enough room between your car and the car in front of you so you, the driver, can break safely if necessary. Many experienced drivers or even young drivers may feel their driving is superb and think they can multitask while driving. This is a very common mistake amongst drivers. When operating a vehicle, it is crucial to focus solely on the road and your surroundings, nothing else. People speed on the road or the highway because they are late for something or aren’t paying attention to their speed. Either way, the faster a person goes, the less control they may have over their car. Going too fast may cause a person to lose control over their vehicle altogether, resulting in a horrific accident. One of my fears as a new time driver is getting in an accident which is why I drive so cautiously. A few of my friends and even family members have been involved in accidents. The repercussions of being in an accident are always detrimental to them and sometimes they are too fearful to drive. Accidents can not only cause physical damage but also psychological damage. Which is important for all drivers regardless of experience be attentive, aware and courteous to other drives. Another source by AAA, a roadside assistance company surveyed their customer and found that males are the most aggressive drivers compared to females (Gross). It is unknown whether most accidents are caused by men, but a study has shown that men can be quite assertive on the road. It is also important to keep your cool when behind a vehicle; you can’t control how other drivers react, but you can control how you react. Being a first-time driver, there are many dangers on the road, aggressive driving, people who have road rage, and even simple tasks like merging become a nightmare with inexperienced or even experienced drivers. If everyone followed the rules of the road and were courteous to each other fatal accidents may exponentially decrease. However, not everyone follows the laws of the road or is a polite driver. Some steps I take to become a better and safer driver is to stay two car lengths away from the person in front of me and my eyes always remain on the road. I drive the speed limit unless I am trying to keep up with traffic. By using my turn signals, giving pedestrians the right of way, and scanning the road constantly, I can promote a safer environment for the people around me. My parents always taught me that when you drive, you are driving for yourself and the people around you. Driving can be dangerous and even life-threatening, but it also can be liberating and enjoyable. It is important to drive safely, not for yourself but for the other reckless drivers around you.

Works Cited

Gross, Andrew. “Survey Says: Men Are More Aggressive behind the Wheel.” AAA Newsroom, 10 Dec. 2020,

Newly Released Estimates Show Traffic Fatalities Reached a 16-Year High in 2021.” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, NHTSA, 17 May 2022,